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Comment Re:It's Basic Infrastructure (Score 5, Interesting) 255

Yes, but in order to discover that there is nothing on your PC, the police will break down your door, search your house and remove all computer-related devices that they can find. After a few months in their possession, and a thorough search of the contents, they will conclude that you must have hidden the illegal content on a thumb drive or some other device that they must have missed. In the meantime, your name and details of the search incident will have been released to the local press and the court of public opinion will have already reached a verdict of guilty that you and your family will have to live under forever. Lack of evidence in this case is not the same as innocence.

Now, this scenario may or may not be likely, but you do have to ask yourself if it's worth it to have an open connection.

Comment A newer bill will start collecting DNA at birth (Score 1) 260

One of the bill's backers, said, 'We know from lots of studies and lots of data now that violent criminals very often begin their careers as nonviolent noncriminals. And the earlier you can get a nonviolent noncriminal's DNA in the data bank, the higher your chances are of apprehending the right person.'

Comment Re:Easy is easy (Score 1) 147

Every citizen should be allowed to vote. Period. It doesn't matter if you think that some are "uninformed" or otherwise undeserving. There are always those who think they are better than others and deserve more rights, attention or ponies, but in a country that truly values democracy those voices should be ignored.

Comment Re:Not all religions are bad (Score 1) 910

Yes, I hear what you're saying. For many years I was agnostic, and when I did venture into a church I had exactly the same experience you describe. Eventually I found a Methodist church where people were willing to put aside the dogma and explore what the Bible really is about and how that is to be lived out in our own lives. I won't claim that I've got it all right, but it has helped me to wade through a lot of the standard crap that some churches throw out there.
Take a look at some of the writings of NT Wright, an interesting fellow who has a way of cutting through to the core beliefs of Christianity. There's a lot of YouTube videos of him as well.

Comment Re:Not all religions are bad (Score 2) 910


God is not a man and he doesn't live in the sky.
He sees everything that's going on, but not in the sense of the quote. Santa Claus does that ;)
There are many things he doesn't want you to do, but they are summed up in the idea of loving God and loving others as you love yourself. If you do that, your focus is on doing the right things not on just following rules.
God does not send people to hell. People decide to go there themselves. Hell is the absence of God, much like darkness is the absence of light. Furthermore, God is more concerned about the hell we bring to the lives of the people around us and about those who stand around and let it happen.
God does love you.
Churches need money. God doesn't. Any group, institution or government under the control of man will become corrupted, even with the best of intentions, and this includes the church.

Comment Re:Not all religions are bad (Score 3, Insightful) 910

I second that. Unfortunately, the "religious nut-jobs", although a minority, are quite loud and are the voices that others hear the most. This leads to the confusion between what the nutters are saying and what Christianity is really about. Most of the objections I see raised by atheists are about the way Christians behave (or a perception of how they should behave), and don't often delve into the real core beliefs. That's unfortunate because some very interesting conversations do not occur because of the superficiality of the arguments (from both sides).

Comment Re:Patenting a business process (Score 1) 68

Our data shows that Joe just stopped at his dealer's house. Before that he bought some boots at the Army Surplus store, a six pack of Red Bull and a 5 gallon gas can at the mini-mart. He also stopped at the gun shop, but we don't know what he bought. He appears to be headed to Central High School. Hmmm, what can we sell him there?

Comment Already doing it? (Score 5, Interesting) 68

The last update of the Amazon Android app had a new security requirement that it be able to read your GPS and gather fine location data. That was the end of that app on my device. I don't mind that they track what I look at on their web site or thru their app, but to track where I am to be able to sell that information to others just pisses me off.

On the other hand, perhaps I should load the app, but only turn it on when I'm in Barnes and Noble looking at Nooks.

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