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Submission + - Getting "Off The Grid" (

frontwave writes: The BlackBerries, the iPhones, the smartphones, and now iPads have become so integrated into our lives that we can’t imagine being without them anymore. We feel “naked” if we are not carrying one of them ...

Submission + - Review: Ubuntu 10.10 (

itwbennett writes: Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols has put the release candidate of Ubuntu 10.10 through its paces and concludes that it's the Mary Poppins of operating systems: Practically perfect in every way. 'The desktop is based on the brand new, and I mean brand new as in GNOME 2.32 desktop interface, which was released on September 29th,' says Vaughan-Nichols. 'For once leading edge doesn't mean bleeding edge. If there's anything wrong with GNOME 2.32 I didn't find it in working with Meerkat.' One downside: While Ubuntu 10.10 boots up faster than ever, 'it still isn't quite as fast as the new Fedora 14 beta.'

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