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Comment Re:This whole make your own gun is like the homebr (Score 1) 391

what are we going to do with all the money we spend on the Bureau of Alchol, Tobacco and Firearms???

Dunno but I can tell you it ain't gonna be spent on a director* or enforcement. If the duties of the ATF were folded into the FBI there might actually be sufficient budget to regulate firearms. That's a non-starter in the US.

(*OK after 7 years without one, congress finally appointed a director)

Comment Re:This whole make your own gun is like the homebr (Score 1) 391

So all these prohibitions against selling alcohol to people under 21 are all pretty pointless, even kids without friends older than 21 can get their hands on unlimited supplies of the stuff with just a little thought and effort.

~50 million lazy teenagers would suggest otherwise. Are there even enough teenage homebrewers to make a statistic? I bet the number doing it because it's their only way to get drunk is around 6. Just because a rule doesn't make something foolproofishly impossible doesn't make it worthless, otherwise why have any rules at all?

Comment Re:Good ruling (Score 3, Insightful) 144

I've personally been threatened with bodily harm a couple of times in the over a quarter of a century I've been on the Internet, and while I can't say it didn't effect me, I suppressed any desire to panic and realized that the assholes in question were, well, just assholes, and the odds were pretty damned low that I was ever in danger.

Were you threatened repeatedly over a year or so by someone you lived with for 7 years and had current knowledge of where you live and all your daily habits? Or were you threatened in 733t speak by "IRCHandle151" in a post because you like VI or whatever? If its the latter I can understand why you thought the odds are pretty low of the threat being carried out.

Comment Re:And who's going to pay for it? (Score 2) 275

The round trip time for a Mars mission is around 2 years.....

...with present technology. Didn't we get a bunch of cool new stuff out of the last space race? You know, like present technology? Maybe someone will get the ion drive to work at scale and cut the trip time and resources down by 10. Given the time and resources, humans usually get stuff to work.

Comment Re:Wow ... no kidding (Score 4, Insightful) 234

Sounds like a prototype. It takes a lot of money and effort to make the first one that usually only works under ideal conditions. The next step is to make it work every time (or at least more than once). You certainly don't want to start out with 50M users because there might be a fatal flaw (i.e. every complex problem has an obvious, simple, and wrong solution). How would you begin a program that eliminates something as fundamental to US education as grade levels?

Comment Re:Earthlings? (Score 2) 78

Overall I don't think there's be any reason for them to suspect that we were once here.

True but possibly because they may never make the leap now that all the easy fuel is used up. Wasn't there a story on here a few days ago about how difficult it would be to restart industry after a civilization collapse because there would be no infrastructure that can drill 10000ft underwater, etc? It took a lot more than 5M years under very different surface conditions for all that oil and coal to collect. The fact that we've burned as much fossil fuel as we did makes me think that there hasn't been a prior intelligent species (or at all?).

Comment Re: News for nerds (Score 5, Interesting) 866

What's most interesting is that it's usually the most religious people who buy into the Republican Party's ideology, which includes "grabbing whatever you can get" and espousing Ayn Rand-style objectivist philosophy.

Check out this story on npr: http://www.npr.org/2015/03/30/...

Basically it would appear religion is in politics for the same reason anything else is, fat cats want more money. Whoda thought?

Comment Re:"an emotional buffer for consumers as well." (Score 1) 278

Just had a thought...Assuming agriculture has complete domain over the water on their land only, if residential, etc users end up with a 100% sustainable system from reprocessing, conservation and non farm sources, agriculture users can go fuck themselves when their wells dry up! Sure the price of food will double for a generation while everything gets resorted but hey, that's way easier than addressing the issue ahead of time.

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