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Comment Re:The reason the government wants this... (Score 1) 254

Slight correction: It does include protection from MITM attacks: There's a hash for the content that the endpoint verifies. So it does prevent spoofing content, so long as the endpoint has the correct address. It does't stop your ISP from monitoring exactly what you are getting though - it makes that a whole lot easier, as there's no way the requests could be encrypted.

Comment Re:A Likely Story.... (Score 1) 254

That's the main selling point. It gives routers a lot more information about what they are routing, allowing them to enforce usage rules. Things like 'only redistribute content signed by those who paid to use our new content distribution system' or 'Do not distribute media from Netflix tagged as licensed for distribution in the US only.'

There's the core of a good idea. CAN is a great idea - power savings, bandwidth savings, faster internet, more reliable, hosting costs slashed. But this starts off with CAN and then layers on top of it layer upon layer of hideous complexity, most of which is designed not to bring faster performace to the end user but rather to provide ISPs with an incentive to deploy it by enabling new business models by which they may screw said end users over.

I doubt many ISPs will let your content benefit from this new technology. They'll be keeping it only for their favored distribution partners. Not least because if it was available to all people, it'd become the single greatest advancement in piracy since the invention of usenet binaries. Can you imagine what would happen if this worked an was open to all? I could distribute a 4GB movie rip to a million people with ease, no messing with p2p networks, it would be no harder than sticking it up on a webserver. So could every dodgy russian website offering free movies. There's no way ISPs could permit that to happen - that's one of the big reasons none have invested in developing simpler CAN technology. This NDN system includes public-key verification of the publisher, so ISPs can make sure their networks only cache and improve the performance of content from trusted partners who have the influence and/or money to get on the whitelist.

Comment This looks terrible. (Score 4, Interesting) 254

It looks like they started out with Content Addressible Networking, which is a great idea. Massive bandwidth savings, improved resilience, faster performance, power savings, everything you could want. But then rather than try to impliment CAN properly alongside conventional networking they went for some ridiculous micro-caching thing, over-complicated intermediate nodes that enforce usage rules, some form of insane public-key versioning system validated by intermediate nodes and generally ended up with a monstrosity.

CAN is a great idea. NDN is a terrible implimentation of CAN. The main selling points include having DRM capability built into the network itsself, so if you try to download something not authorised for your country the ISP router can detect and block it. A simple distributed cache would achieve the same benefits with a much simpler design.

There's the core of a great idea in there, burried deep in the heap of over-engineered complexity that appears designed not to bring benefits to performance but rather to allow ISPs to readily decide exactly what content they wish to allow to be distributed and by whome. This thing is designed to allow the network devices to transcode video in real time to a lower bitrate - putting that kind of intelligence in the network is insane!

Comment Re:Build more nukes! (Score 2) 245

Nuclear ships have a very simple way around this: They run at full power most of the time, and dump the excess energy when not needed to run the engines. It's horribly inefficient, but even used with such inefficiency nuclear reactors still pack an energy density that puts any diesel engine to shame.

Remember what happened after the Fukushima reactor's unplanned shutdown: Emergency pumps had to be rushed in to keep cooling water running through the core. It's called decay heat: Even if you shove all the control rods in full, it still takes a long time to stop emiting heat. Ramping up is easier, but still not thirty seconds.

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