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Comment Re: Women.... (Score 1) 499

Yeah, work smarter, not harder. Bleach once a week, toilet duck once a month. Scrub for like 30 seconds once it has sit for like 10 minutes.

Same with the shower. Spray it with that daily shower stuff, takes a minute. Throw a little bleach in there once in a while (not at the same time), then rinse it out. Then a quick 5-minute scrub before your shower once a month is all it takes to maintain it unless you're waffle stomping in there.

Comment Re:people want cheap (Score 5, Informative) 231

We have three tablets for the two of us. One in the kitchen for recipes, and a personal one for us to use around the house.

I often hang out on the couch and listen to music while I read e-comics, browse Reddit or Imgur, or use the tablet to look up IMDB entries. A laptop is just cumbersome and hot in those circumstances. An 8" tablet like my Samsung (1600p, beautiful display) is perfect, easy to read -- easier to read than a 4" phone screen. Laptop too big, phone too small.

Also works fine in the bathroom. Easier to read than a phone.

I have a crappy Nook HD for recipes and music selection in the kitchen -- it's a lot more portable than a laptop, fits everywhere, lasts a week or more on a charge just sitting there, and I don't have to worry about getting anything in a keyboard or using a mouse or crappy touch pad. Laptop too big, phone too small.

I was skeptical about getting a tablet, but for us they've worked out great in these scenarios.

Everyone has different needs.

Comment Re: Price? (Score 1) 103

For this performance and density, the $6000 mentioned by the AC above (a fictitious number I'm assuming, since I can't find any references to an actual price) would be pretty good, if it were true. That's under $400/TB. Consumer-grade drives were at that price/TB not too long ago, for much worse performance and density.

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