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Comment Well... (Score 1) 375

For me at least a wallet is a necessity. I have various forms of ID and other cards that I need for my job. Furthermore why should payment by phone replace a credit card when it is just as convenient in my opinion? Also let’s not forget the security issues that paying with a phone brings with it. Another thing too is that you can lose a phone as well, so to me it seems more like a preference than something that will make the wallet go away.

Comment Re:Wow... (Score 1) 347

My complaints are mainly from an administration standpoint. I see your point, it's just a hassle when things are changed for the sake of change rather than for improvement. They have made improvements I know that, but let's not reinvent the wheel here.

Comment Wow... (Score 1) 347

Even though I do not like Windows I never thought that it could ever really die. However with the absolute idiotic things that Microsoft has been doing with their OS lately I think that it might actually be possible. I cannot say how or this would happen, but I think it will be inevitable (I could be wrong here). I for one can’t stand the direction that they are taking. The only reason I still use Windows is for gaming. Maybe I should bite the bullet and only buy games that run on Linux from now on.

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According to all the latest reports, there was no truth in any of the earlier reports.
