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Comment Re:Behind the curve (Score 1) 1040

It is hard to get some people to understand. To them saying you need to get out and work for a living is the cruelest thing you could ever say. Now no one is trying to be heartless, but people like you and me understand that is just how things are in this world. No one is trying to be hurtful or cruel it is just how it is. Also our abused welfare system and lack of morals will unfortunately be our undoing. Just look at the Roman Empire for instance. We are doing a lot of the same things they did and we are moving towards the same fate. It is a shame really that there are so many that cannot see it. I just hope this country will come to its’ senses in time. However it is probably too late, and as far as I can tell, we are already on that slippery slope that will doom us all.

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