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Comment Re:You'll just lose access to online services (Score 1) 278

The problem with this is determining if the device is jailbroken or real. It is possible to jailbreak something and still emulate the original to the point that the system doesn't know it is jailbroken but allowing you to have custom access to the messages so you could you know have a script that automatically locks on anytime a head is within sniper range and automatically fire a shot.

Comment Re:PC analogy (Score 1) 278

Let's put it another way. A system is rated at a thermal level of X. Someone has found out you can usually safely run at 110% - 130% of X. You install firmware that advertises "BEST SPEEDS POSSIBLE!" that runs at a thermal level of 130% (best speeds possible). But your system is actually only ok at 108% of X because you got subpar system but you are still over the speced rating.

Also just to throw it out there, why should I support code I don't know anything about. If your system isn't running in a known configuration, I can't guarantee you have compete success with it.

Comment Re:Great (Score 1) 529

Not saying that. But I am trying to point out the truly poor... they don't even have the option of having your job. Most people live better than they realize. I realize it because I have moved really far up the socio-economic ladder in my life. I see where I came from and where I am now. There's so much disparity in perception it amazes me.

Comment Re:Great (Score 1) 529

I grew up in areas below poverty line and have lived in projects. Housing was never free; we always had rent and when I worked a part time job for some spending cash there was more than one time I had to help pay it. And I don't know anyone there that drove a Cadillac. Mostly we had shitty 5 - 10 year old cars and prayed nothing broke on them (like the tires).

You have it hard not saying you don't. But seriously you have a car. I knew a lot of people who couldn't afford that. And college would have been impossible without financial aide.

Comment Re:Great (Score 1) 529

You're taking it further than the parent poster and making it harder for me to support your proposal because of the additional things you've tacked on like not exempting charitable donations or education expenses which are exemptions I have used even when my income was at or below poverty line. Education expenses are usually allowed beyond the standard deduction as long as your income is below a certain level.

Comment Re:Ready, fire, aim (Score 1) 529


1. I make over $100k
2. I live in Manhatten.

I don't get by with as much breathing room as I should but it is a lifestyle I chose and honestly I could easily get by with a HELL of alot more breathing room by just commuting into work from Brooklyn or NJ. I do not kid myself into thinking I am not well off just because my monthly spending allowance doesn't allow me to buy everything I could possibly want to buy in a month. I know I am wealthy. I live in Manhattan. By myself. That alone beside anything else makes me wealthy. And the government knows it and I pay higher income tax just for where I live and I'm perfectly ok with that. If my taxes were raised a bit again I would also be ok with it. (A bit as being defined as a couple percentage points, not 10%)

Comment Re:Who? (Score 1) 91

Back when I was buying gaming magazines there wasn't much choice if you wanted something spanning multiple platforms. GamePro was one of the highest quality magazine during that era. I don't know how it performed over time as I stopped paying attention. They have had periods of much success over time including a show on TV at one time.

Comment Re:Geez, it's already done... (Score 1) 370

True there is a potential slope but I don't think the slope is as slippery as you believe. As I said in my post I don't agree with a law censoring text in support of terrorist groups (with the exception of text that is intent on inciting violence which is covered on existing laws). But I don't agree every line of speech should be free or that there should be no laws against terrorism. I would be against expanding the definition of terrorism. Therefore for me the slope stops there. Viewing the world in black and white does not allow for a healthy society.

Comment Re:Geez, it's already done... (Score 1) 370

There is grey or I can slander you at your job with complete fabrications and get you fired and just claim free speech. Also many other things that are censored would be considered legal given 100% free speech, like inciting a riot.

I'm actually happy the law recognizes and tries to better define the grey area that makes for a better society as a whole. Now I also err on the side of free speech and don't consider Islamic extremist rants to be something worthy of censorship unless they are trying to incite murder or rioting. But there are other laws to get that taken down instead of the "terrorism" label.

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