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Comment Re:States Rights (Score 3, Interesting) 665

Okay, then why send them to school at all? If I have to sit them down to teach them all the of scientific/mathematical.grammatical/literary/etc, the why the hell have an "outsourced" education system at all?

The education system should be teaching a defined framework of information across the board. It should not matter if you live in SC or NY, you should be learning the same fundamentals such as math, science, history and literature.

Comment Re:KY SB 16 2014 (Score 5, Interesting) 426

It really depends. I took Latin for 4 years. Though it is of no real applicable use to me at this time, it was a really great base for learning Italian, French, Spanish and Portuguese. Those languages came really easy to me because of the Latin. The backlash I have with this is, the law should be that kids need 2 credits in programming AND 2 credit in a foreign language instead of this malarky.

Submission + - Theater patron wearing Google Glass questioned by Homeland Security ( 1

Aryden writes: A man who was wearing a Google Glass device during a showing of “Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit” last Saturday at an AMC Theatres location in Columbus, Ohio, was questioned by agents from the Dept. of Homeland Security — to see if he was illegally recording the pic.

An AMC rep confirmed the incident, which was reported by The Gadgeteer blog. In a statement, the theater chain said, “While we’re huge fans of technology and innovation, wearing a device that has the capability to record video is not appropriate at the movie theater.”

Comment Re: follow the money (Score 4, Insightful) 334

Changes to production that pass QA can still break the system once they are in the wild and every instance of execution begins. Additionally, not every change that goes into production in all instances goes through the DBA especially when there isn't a schema change. A dipshit writes an app that works fine in QA, migrates to production, due to a difference in version he didn't pay attention to, he overwrites 5 million records. It really does actually happen in the real world and they ( many companies) don't bother consulting the experts until it's already fucked up.

Three days restoring is too long too. Unless your server is remote and upstream is super slow.

This is becoming more commonplace as companies are outsourcing or contracting out their admins and development.

But none of these things should give you permission to be a control freak. You are responsible for keeping the databases up, yes. But you are not responsible for everything that happens to them. Sometimes your dbs just get screwed up and you'll have to fix it. Just like sometimes business wants things done to the site/app that will totally jack up the fung shui i had going on in code. Nobody is purposefully trying to screw anyone over. We all want the business to grow and succeed. People make mistakes and shit happens. There's no need to also be an ass to each other on top of it all.

You'd think that, but when it's your job on the line because fucktards in management have 0 clue and assume that because it has something to do with the database and you are the admin, it's your fault. And having been subject to intentional sabotage, and seeing it done numerous times, it exists and happens.

Comment Re: follow the money (Score 4, Insightful) 334

The reason we are control freaks is because when some moron wants to make a change and breaks the whole system, we are the ones that catch the blame and have to try to fix it if we don't get shit canned for it. You ever tried to re-key millions of records across hundreds of tables? You ever had to spend 3 days restoring db's from backup and having a site outage for 3 days because of it?

Comment Re:Business is business (Score 1) 264

Then you shouldn't have any problem naming two such incidents. So prove it.

This is retarded to even think but, okay. In the real world, a friend today can become the enemy tomorrow. Not to mention, we actually get most of our best intelligence from our allies, whether they wish to give it to us or not.

Yeah. That's why we have that string of military bases along the US/Canada border.

We have 70+ military bases and installations along the Us/Canada border from Washington in the west to Maine in the east. Here

So cutting US exports is a good thing in your opinion? I would say that it was a problem. And why would the software from other nations be compatible with our software? And if it isn't then there is the problem with "lock in" and not much benefit from "competition".

Why would it need to be compatible?

Apple has been around for years and has a lot of money. And yet there are still times when dealing with a government agency or a private company that a Microsoft product is required. So why do you think that this situation will be improved by introducing MORE platforms that are intentionally incompatible?

First of all, when the government began introducing computers into the common work environments, Apple was not a real competitor. MS work a hell of a deal with the government for licensing that Apple wasn't willing to do. Then along came Dell. Dell was able to put a PC and/or laptop into the hands of government workers for less than 1/3 the cost of an apple computer. Not to mention, at the time, Apple's OS sucked for ease of use. Today, Macbooks are becoming more prolific in government work, each of the 4 agencies I have worked with in the last 2 years were switching all of their laptops to macbooks and running windows virtually. It takes a huge amount of time, in many instances, years to migrate hardware and software. Hell for the FDA to approve the installation of a single piece of software took 6 months to get approved on my laptop and that was just Eclipse.

Comment Re:or (Score 1) 88

So casinos raise the suicide rate, bankruptcy rate and crime rate, but apparently only if they are in MD or are Mississippi river boats... Apparently the Vegas casinos had no impact? Seems flawed to me and I live 20 minutes from 1 casino in MD, 5 minutes from the new one they are building and less than an hour from the others.

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