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Ask Slashdot: Communication With Locked-in Syndrome Patient? 552

cablepokerface writes "We've had a significant family catastrophe last weekend. My sister-in-law (my wife's sister) is 28 years old and was 30 weeks pregnant till last Saturday. She also had a tumor — it was a benign, slow growing tumor close to her brain-stem. Naturally we were very worried about that condition, but several neurologists assessed the situation earlier and found the tumor to be a problem, but not big enough for her to require immediate surgery, so we decided to give the baby more time. She was symptomatic, but it was primarily pain in her neck area and that was controlled with acceptable levels of morphine.

Then, last Saturday, our lives changed. Probably forever. In the hospital, where she was admitted earlier that week to keep an eye on the baby, the tumor ruptured a small vessel and started leaking blood into the tumor, which swelled up to twice its size. Then she, effectively, had a stroke from the excess blood in the brain stem. In a hurry, the baby was born through C-section (30 weeks and it's a boy — he's doing fine). Saturday night she had complex brain surgery, which lasted nine hours. They removed the blood and tumor that was pressing on the brain.

Last Sunday/Monday they slowly tried to wake her up. The CT scan shows all higher brain functions to work, but a small part of the brain stem shows no activity. She is locked-in, which is a terrible thing to witness since she has virtually no control of any part of her body. She can't breathe on her own, and the only things she can move, ever so slightly, are her lips, eyelids and eyes. And even that's not very steady. Blinking her eyes to answer questions tires her out enormously, as she seems to have to work hard to control those. The crowd on Slashdot is a group of people who have in-depth knowledge of a wide range of topics. I'm certainly not asking for pity here, but maybe you can help me with the following questions: Does anyone have any ideas on how to communicate better with her? Is there technology that could help? Like brain-wave readers or something? Does anyone have any ideas I haven't thought of regarding communication with her, or maybe even experience with it?"

Comment Re:Google is dropping XMPP and Talk/Chat anyway (Score 1) 121

Features? It's great to have the server manage groups so when a new user of Team X gets added, all of Team X shows up in their roster. File transfer is simpler and more secure using XMPP+TLS than requiring the "cloud". Persistent chat rooms (ala IRC channels) are a great way to keep people collaborating. Even IDEs like Intellij can help collaboration by sending "File Z line N" code pointers or diffs that show up right next to the code your team is working on.

That and by using OTR or trusting your own server to not log chats protects privacy. But does anyone care about privacy anymore?

US Climate Report Says Global Warming Impact Already Severe 627

Hugh Pickens DOT Com writes: "Darryl Fears reports in the Washington Post on the U.S. government's newest national assessment of climate change. It says Americans are already feeling the effects of global warming. The assessment carves the nation into sections and examines the impacts: More sea-level rise, flooding, storm surge, precipitation and heat waves in the Northeast; frequent water shortages and hurricanes in the Southeast and Caribbean; more drought and wildfires in the Southwest. 'Residents of some coastal cities see their streets flood more regularly during storms and high tides. Inland cities near large rivers also experience more flooding, especially in the Midwest and Northeast. Insurance rates are rising in some vulnerable locations, and insurance is no longer available in others. Hotter and drier weather and earlier snow melt mean that wildfires in the West start earlier in the spring, last later into the fall, and burn more acreage. In Arctic Alaska, the summer sea ice that once protected the coasts has receded, and autumn storms now cause more erosion, threatening many communities with relocation.' The report concludes that over recent decades, climate science has advanced significantly and that increased scrutiny has led to increased certainty that we are now seeing impacts associated with human-induced climate change. 'What is new over the last decade is that we know with increasing certainty that climate change is happening now. While scientists continue to refine projections of the future, observations unequivocally show that climate is changing and that the warming of the past 50 years is primarily due to human-induced emissions of heat-trapping gases.'"

Comment Re:as fast as Chrome? (Score 1) 688

I've not yet tried it with FF 29, works great on FF 28.

I've not figured out a way to highlight the current tab, but I use another way to show me which tab I'm on. I disable the close button (X) on all tabs except for the current one, so I can look to the far right of my tab list for the (X) as I have tabs on the right.

With a vertical monitor, my tab width is small, but I can show many tabs without scrolling (about 70 un-collapsed).

Comment Re:as fast as Chrome? (Score 1) 688

How could you possibly use Chrome with that many tabs and not have tabs on the side?

I routinely have 50-100 tabs open in Firefox, memory usage is great, even with a bunch of add-ons, from versions 26-28. Granted, some of my add-ons help reduce overall resources by blocking cookies and scripts. Also 'click to play' is a necessity so Flash only loads on the few sites I allow.

Comment Re:more downgrades (Score 1) 688

Also try Ghostery and Disconnect if you want to block known advertising sites. It lets through all the requests to cloud providers like // and such which track you, but if you also run Cookie Monster and Referrer Control, they don't get much.

I would love a noscript/request policy like addon that would allow me to substitute "common" shared resources, like jquery or bootstrap, from a local cache.

The Internet

404-No-More Project Seeks To Rid the Web of '404 Not Found' Pages 72

First time accepted submitter blottsie (3618811) writes "A new project proposes to do away with dead 404 errors by implementing a new HTML attribute that will help access prior versions of hyperlinked content. With any luck, that means that you'll never have to run into a dead link again. ... The new feature would come in the form of introducing the mset attribute to the <a> element, which would allow users of the code to specify multiple dates and copies of content as an external resource." The mset attribute would specify a "reference candidate:" either a temporal reference (to ease finding the version cited on e.g. the wayback machine) or the url of a static copy of the linked document.

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