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Comment Re:it would look like a frosty piss (Score 1) 789

I did that sorta, for a few years about 25 years ago, avoiding an ex-wife (no kids). Move a thousand miles away. Change career (I did Dirty Jobs type stuff for a few years). Accidently give a wrong SSN when opening a bank account, or have a good friend cash paychecks like I did.
Then got back to my career. Real easy back then actually. My ex is now an RN and MD far away, and I don't have suddenly have money out of my bank accounts.

Comment Re:Don't they lock those things? (Score 3, Informative) 571

Well, I live about two miles from Paul Ryan. I've never voted for him or met him. The two major bills he's had passed involved repealing some minor tax on arrows, and renaming the local post office. He does have a lot of support from rich outsiders and local rednecks. Janesville back in 1992 had a KKK rally, and there are people who ride town with Confederate flags fling from their pickup. If you go to there are the usual Tea Party shills, trolls, and astroturfing going on since the failed Walker recall started. Well, maybe since Obama got elected.
I consider Ryan as a nice guy personally based on his local rep, but a Palin clone who knows grammar.

Comment Re:Degree Overrated (Score 1) 237

Sorry AC. We are talking about first level support, Yes, IBM sometimes, usually, does good support after the call, I know if it is critical, i will ask for the national duty manager again (if such still exists), Anyways, after 30+ years, I'm finding Oracle better then IBM when it comes to service. (I was told I'm older than dirt on irc in the 90s)
I should point out IBM's rep: until 999 out of 1,000 report a problem, it hasn't happened. See 3rd party documentation such as for GSERV FLEE/FLIM from the 70s.

Anyways AC, IBM will have any problem solved because we expect our uptime to be 100%. And we get real close. Topic though is call center.

Now all you kids get off my lawn! ;)

Comment Re:Degree Overrated (Score 2) 237

Hello, my name is Debbie (yeah, right lady). Welcome to 1-800-IBM-SERV (said in a thick accent over a scratchy VOIP line). Even Oracle does better, with world wide call center support.
I deal with support vendors every day. IBM has had the worst call center support for years. Oracle is even better than IBM. At least all the local support guys are usually good. I just have to get the ticket opened, then layer explain to the CE (old terminology) or FE, what the issue is.
Not that Oracle is so great. Our platinum contract means they call every few hours, to "verify" information they were already given. That way they keep in contract compliance. But Oracle second level support is pretty good in my experience. I've talked to people from Ireland, India. and Rumania iirc, and gotten way better phone support than IBM.
Debbie: Z as in zebra, O as in oscar, S as in sam.
Dang. I think my wife has better luck talking to Charter than anyone at work talking to a vendor.


There is no I-520 in Seattle. Wiki shows an I-520 in Georgia. There's a Washington state route 520. And slowing up to 35 on that route rated for 55 will make your commute easier, not so much for the people behind you. (The big slowdown has been the floating bridge, which is being replaced, and is now tolled).

Comment Re:Largest non-hurricane related power outage ever (Score 1) 183

I asked a maintenance person at work how long we could go in the event of a power outage. I got a blank look like they couldn't fathom the question, and then told we'd go forever. My workplace has 6 generators with 400? gallons of diesel for each one. One generator will handle the current load. It's all tested monthly. (and the odd times city power gets cut)

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