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Copyright Troll USCG Violates Copyright 97

omarlittle writes "The US Copyright Group — a company owned by intellectual property lawyers, which has been in the news for threatening downloaders of the movie Hurt Locker — has apparently stolen their site from a competitor. At one point, even the competitor's phone number and copyright statement were copied word for word on USCG's 'settlement' website. The competitor is reportedly going to send a Cease & Desist."

Submission + - Open Source Toolchains for Linux Sysadmins (

Arthur Digsby Sellers writes: "Sysadmins have to do a lot of repetitive tasks install software, edit configuration files and run back-ups. In celebration of Systems Admin Appreciation Day, The Linux Foundation is launching a new series titled "SysAdmin Toolbox" aimed at providing SysAdmins with all the resources needed to do their important work including how to automate the management of Linux servers from installation to monitoring to self-healing systems using open source software. This first in the series talks about integrating things like Puppet, Chef, Cobbler and Zenoss Core to automate the installation, configuration and monitoring of Linux servers."

Comment Happy sysadmin day? (Score 5, Interesting) 108

I've been a sysadmin for a while time now, and I've never had one person wish me a happy admin day. It would seem the only people who know about this, happen to be sysadmins. No one has a clue when I mention it. We need more sysadmin day advertising. Someone want to fund a commercial? Lets add it to every calendar world wide. Who's with me?

Happy System Administrator Appreciation Day 108

ArbiterOne writes "The 11th Annual System Administrator Appreciation Day is today. Celebrated worldwide on the last Friday of July, this day honors those who fight in the digital trenches to keep the Net alive. OpenDNS offers a way to remind your boss about the holiday, while another blogger shares war stories. The startup Ksplice has created an homage to these heroes in the style of Choose Your Own Adventure." Reader Netbuzz submits a sobering look at the profession from Network World, which notes, "In the past year, [sysadmins'] pay has dropped, and more of their positions are being farmed out to temporary workers."

Submission + - How should a non-techie learn programming? ( 2

CurtMonash writes: Nontechnical people — for example marketers or small business owners — increasingly get the feeling they should know more about technology. And they're right. If you can throw up a small website or do some real number-crunching, chances are those skills will help you feed your family. But how should they get started? I started a thread with the question on DBMS2, and some consistent themes emerged, including:
  • * Learn HTML + CSS early on.
  • * Learn a bit of SQL, but you needn't make that your focus.
  • * Have your first real programming language be one of the modern ones, such as PHP or Python.
  • * MySQL is a good vehicle to learn SQL.
  • * It's a great idea to start with a project you actually want to accomplish, and that can be done by modifying a starter set of sample code. (E.g., a WordPress blog.)
  • * Microsoft's technology stack is an interesting alternative to some of the other technology ideas.

A variety of books and websites were suggested, most notably MIT's Scratch. But, frankly, it would really help to get more suggestions for sites and books that help one get started with HTML/CSS, or with MySQL, or with PHP. And so, techie studs and studdettes, I ask you — how should a non-techie go about learning some basic technological skills?

Submission + - Today is System Administrator Appreciation Day (

ArbiterOne writes: The 11th Annual System Administrator Appreciation Day is today. Celebrated worldwide on the last Friday of July, this holiday honors those who fight in the digital trenches to keep the 'Net alive.

OpenDNS offers a way to remind your boss about the holiday, while another blogger shares war stories. The startup Ksplice created an homage to these heroes... in the style of Choose Your Own Adventure.

How are you celebrating Sysadmin Day?

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Gee, Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.
