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Comment Re:launchd (Score 1) 469

Yes, I know who Ted Tso is. I've met and argued with him plenty of times. He's conservative when it comes to operating systems and doesn't accept change that rapidly and tends to prefer an evolutionary path when it comes to system components. Systemd is radical to his tastes. He also customizes his operating system quite a bit as though some of the other kernel developers I know.

Comment Re:WTF? (Score 1) 184

Well, I'm not a designer, but they should know who to contact. I have some of the KDE devs on G+, although not the designers. It will be an interesting direction, but the road will be paved with obstacles since lot of the people who use KDE like to be able to tweak it as much as possible. It's hard to do a design that incorporates all the tweaks and still remain simplistic. But if they manage it, that is going to be a great coup for design in general and something everyone can learn from.

Comment Re:This is supposed to be the *WAY* they do their (Score 1) 392

Hey everyone is happy. They get their jollies going against the powers and the western powers gets to get rid of one troublemaker. If some idiot wants to go fight in a war, and spend his life in heat, no running water, and what not.. more power to them. They aren't going to get much respect from anyone who wants a stable life.

Comment Re:This is supposed to be the *WAY* they do their (Score 1) 392

Good, because it seems Obamacare is working and getting public support. So, fairly happy that Republicans get no credit. Of course, nothing is stopping some Republican senators taking credit for the American Healthcare Act, but not that evil Obamacare. Funny that.

Comment Re:This is supposed to be the *WAY* they do their (Score 2) 392

Most of them are pretty successful. One is even a Republican representative. *shrug* Good leaders are people who know how to take advantage of people smarter than them and build a grounds up organization with pragmatic decision making from top based on good data. That doesn't always happen because not everyone believes in the same end goal. That's the hard part.

Comment Re:Not a boycott but a confirmation (Score 1) 469

I still dont' see the conspiracy. As I said, rpc is doing the same thing, so does xml-rpc. I'm assuming you're saying that you can link to kernel features without a) tainting the kernel b) not corrupting your software with GPL license?

I'm not a lawyer, so I'm not sure how that plays. But if it is kdbus, you're not really doing an end run around anymore than if you were using sockets. Since it's just another socket layer. Anyways, I don't think there is some conspiracy here. Certainly, there would be some backlash if it came out that way.

Comment Re:Not a boycott but a confirmation (Score 2) 469

The problem with your analysis is that we're talking about system level code which is all GPL'd. You might be right if we were talking about applications that were linking to some libraries and using dbus or kdbus that way. But that's not what is going on here. There is no end run around the license since the pieces that systemd is connecting to are all GPL'd. Even GNOME which is part of the GNU project is also using licenses that are consistent with its mission.

I don't understand what you mean by 'arbitrary incompatible interface' in regards to GNOME. There is nothing incompatible, it's just a interface to logind that GNOME needs.

You realize that you can probably use the same argument to things to such base things as 'rpc' right? Which we use all the time for NIS and NFS.

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