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Comment Re:image lightning? you mean seed lightning (Score 4, Interesting) 49

Hardly. The field strength between thunder clouds and the earth alone is not enough for lightning.
Yes there are a million volts present. No that is not enough to arc over 1,5 km (1 mile) (distance bottom of an average thunder cloud to the ground). It is approximately enough for 100 meters (1/15th of the required distance) according to the 1 kV/cm rule of thumb.
Current theory states that high speed cosmic particles ionize the air so the lightning can arc.

Comment Re:Garbage for diabetics (Score 1) 34

Then this isn't for you, since once you get the sample it has to be "mailed off to a lab for analysis". You could be in a coma by the time you get the results back.

The mail back to the lab version doesn't need to be the only version. Once this is approved there will probably be one with a built in glucose sensor.

Comment Re:Interesting, but that is all (Score 1) 152

Growing cattle is hardly required for survival. Veganists have been surviving without it for years.
Now I am not saying the first self sustaining Martian colonists should be veganists, but all meat and animal products should come from small livestock. Chickens for example, require only little space (even free range ones. The ones that have so much space that they don't even use half of it.).

Comment Re:Good ... (Score 1) 286

Hardly. What you wanted may have been there, but add revenue has allowed the internet to expand to many times that size. It now includes more stuff most people want to see.
The sites that don't have ads are running at a loss (sometimes that's worth it), have other means of revenue and/or have low traffic.

Most of the stuff that would be there without ad revenue doesn't have ad revenue now either. For example Open Source stuff, info sites by manufacturers and programmers and webshops.
However if you want a reliable review site then that site needs to pay for their datacenter space & electricity & food for the reviewers. That costs money. No ads, no paywall? How are they going to raise that money? Bribes from companies for good reviews? Do you really want to go there?
No real reviewers but user generated reviews? Easy to get fake reviews.

Comment Re:50 Hz vs 60 Hz (Score 1) 54

There is such a thing as TW scale powerconversion. You just need to order it.
Most long distance runs are HVDV because that has lower losses. The same equipment can be used to convert from 50 Hz to DC to 60 Hz and back.
The reason this was a problem during the Fukishima disaster is that there was no time to make it. Not that it was not possible to make it.

Comment Re:And when capped internet comes then people will (Score 1) 286

Caps are getting more common in the US. One of the biggest national ISPs, Comcast, has been rolling them out city by city. So far still not in most of the country, but they've been rolled out as a "trial" in Atlanta, Memphis, Tucson, etc., and will probably be extended nationally. Here's their FAQ about it.

5 GB? Please tell me that that is a mobile account!

Comment Re:100 Megabits? (Score 1) 96

Now split that 1Gbps over 100 devices in an office building. Not so fast anymore, is it?
Not that I think this light based stuff is the answer. I think the answer was tested with the spatial streams in wireless AC. We just need more than 8 streams and higher carrier frequency so we can tune those streams better.
We may end up with technology close to phased array radar.

Comment Re:Help me out here a little... (Score 1) 533

First: Iceland uses "only" 4 times as much per capita as the US.
Second: It does not filter out industrial use of electricity. Iceland has a couple of huge aluminium factories, using 1/4th of the nation's electricity.
Third: I have no clue for the rest. Probably a lot of electrical heating because it gets cold in the winter.

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