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Comment Re:Artists paid 16 times as much for Spotify than (Score 1) 305

Irrelevant. I, and most people I know, did not spend $10 a month on CD's. We downloaded MP3s (back then this was legal 'round here)
In my specific case they went from getting $0.00 per track per time I listened to them to getting somewhere between $0.006 and $0.0084 per track per time I listen to it. That's a lot more.

Comment Re:To answer your question (Score 1, Interesting) 279

Those are the Tock's in Intel's Tick/Tock model.

Tick is smaller structures.
Tock is new architecture.

Each new architecture is optimized for the most common tasks at that time, together with a bazillion other changes. If they figure out a general optimization technique that still works with the x86 instruction set in the mean time, they'll go for it.

The problem with some optimizations is that they do not work with the x86 instruction set. Abandoning that instruction set is expensive, although we are doing it with the ARM chips in phones and tablets. Slowly it is working it's way to cloud based computing.

Comment Re:Something I've never understood.. (Score 1) 133

Dumping a gun in a trash can or river is fast. Grinding it to filings is not fast.
Now I don't know how fast the cops often gets the perpetrator but I imagine some crooks are afraid they'd get caught before grinding it down.
Also, grinding it down is a lot of work. People are lazy.
The serial number can be filed down before the crime.

Comment Re:Location, location, location (Score 1) 212

Replace those damn coal plants with nuclear plants. It lowers the amount of radioactive material the power plant produces.
Many coal plants even dump all of their radioactive material in the atmosphere as a component in the dust. Others filter the dust out and sell it as a filler for concrete and plaster. Including the radioactive materials.

Lower the amount of radioactive materials around us. Build nuclear plants!

Comment Re:Seagate (Score 1) 161

Why was Seagate sued for using the correct amount? The SI prefixes are older then the use of them in computing. "Mega" was standardized in 1960.
Now as to why they were abused to mean powers of 2: I can understand that. However that abuse does not mean you should sue the guys that get it right.

Comment Re:This is why..... (Score 1) 118

I actually agree with some of the sentiment of the manufacturers. Most users can't handle root so you shouldn't give it to them. Manufacturers can't just work with nerds who can handle it. Ordinary users will mess things up and complain to the manufacturer about it.
However it should be a setting like "unknown sources" where those that choose it can activate it. At their own risk of course.

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