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Comment Re:Start with an erroneous *world view* ... (Score 1) 181

Why do you think that I prefer to be driven than to drive myself?

I am not the one you replied to but I don't believe you will want to be driven. I just want the idiots who can't be arsed to drive with their eyes on the road instead of on their phones to be driven. I also assume you don't fall in that category because those people don't seem to enjoy driving. They probably just want to get from A to B. Exactly what a self driving car would provide.

If I had a car I would also want it to be self-driving because I find driving to be boring. I do, however, realize it is a 1 ton weapon with significant kinetic energy.

Comment Re:Pendant (Score 1) 446

After a Google image search for uSD pendants I'd advice a locket pendant with some foam to prevent the card from thrashing around. Those uSD things are usually ugly as hell.
By the way, stay away from the medical data lockets for this purpose. They look quite stylish and they are intent for safe data storage but any data storage device found in those will be read in an emergency because that is what the intention of that type of locket is.

Comment Subject (Score 2) 121

Is Google really at fault? They handled it poorly, yes, but the data was already out there to be used by blackhats. It would be better if they placed a file on the FTP "You know these files are open to the internet because your router configuration sucks, right?.txt".

Comment Re:Hero? (Score 3, Interesting) 489

IMHO in this case it is. The person with the gun probably does not agree with you filming them.
These people appear to have only little better moral code than your average bank robber. Thus when you film them you are kinda heroic.
I don't consider them to be cops by the way. The badge does not make the cop. A good cop makes the badge worth more than it's scrap metal price.

Comment Re:i educate (Score 1) 190

Dunno if it still is the case, but years back a Wacom tablet worked way better with Linux and the Gimp than Windows and Photoshop. It was slightly more difficult to set up, but the online resources for the open source drivers worked well and provided more features. Basic things like the brush size, opacity or darkness dependent on pen pressure.
Photoshop didn't have the option to connect those while the Gimp did.

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