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Comment Re:He still plead guilty to something ... (Score 2) 219

But there would still be a reason to cooperate. If the punishment for the crime is X to Y years, confessing would make it more likely that it would just be X. So in cases where evidence is strong, the public will likely be spared the cost of a trial and the criminal would still 'profit' by confessing. But a guilty person couldn't be forced into 'accepting' a sentence of X just to avoid being charged with crimes totaling 1000X.

Comment Re:He still plead guilty to something ... (Score 4, Interesting) 219

How about not allowing prosecutors to change the charge depending on the plea bargain?

If the prosecutor thinks a person is guilty of X, don't allow them to accept a plea for Y. The most they should be able to offer is a recommendation to the judge of non-maximum sentence.

Comment Re:The one area where patents have reasonable term (Score 1) 132

This would make it kind of pointless to develop drugs that have a high production cost.
You could count profit instead - but not profit on the drug, but profit on the patent. Let the company pick any cost per unit of product as the 'patent profit', then count that down for each unit of product sold. However, also force the company to license the patent for the same amount to anyone else that wants it.

Comment Re:First to say it (Score 1) 425

From what I've experienced, capitalism is about as likely to take away human rights and material wealth as communism. My country was doing OK under communism. Most people were happy, they had steady jobs, owned their homes, had free healthcare and education. Since we switched to capitalism not much has improved, while many things have gone and are continuing to go down-hill. And 90% of the people now have less wealth than they did under communism.

Comment Re:i-war (Score 1) 470

Ah yes, the joy of jumping into a system, turning on your engine for a week then curising for the next month before turning around and repeating the exercise (binary systems with the secondary having inhabited planets were a bitch).

Comment Re:Clarification (Score 1) 937

What's wrong with saying 'I don't know?' Demanding that atheists know how the Universe came to be seems just as wrong as demanding that you explain how God came to be. Except that the atheists can at least claim to have at least some evidence that the Universe exists (even if it could all be false), so they can at least start their search for an answer with relatively solid footing.

Comment Re:well... (Score 1) 246

It is unfair because other companies ARE required to pay taxes. It is unfair because groups of people are treated differently than individuals.

Why do we have different taxes for corporations and individuals? Just have every person (legal or physical) pay income taxes. And just like current income taxes, have them pay income taxes for any income earned abroad that has not yet been taxes at the same level as at home. And do the same for the person owning the company - have them pay income taxes if the taxes paid by the corporation were lower than those of the country where the owner resides.

This would also solve the problem of tax shelters - they wouldn't work now unless the entire company, including it's owners resided in a tax shelter (which is surprisingly not often the case, I guess tax shelters aren't all that good for actually running a company in.

Comment Re:maybe (Score 1) 512

It was you that claimed that what Israel is doing does not come close to what the Nazis did. I just pointed out that it comes quite close to the slightly less known masterplan of the Nazis - the one that was the reason for the whole WW2 - desire to take land to expand. It was not some minor feature of their leader or something that is ultimately unimportant - it was a planned ethnic cleansing of whole nations on a scale that would have made the Holocaust just a footnote.
And it is remarkably similar to what Israel is doing now. Removing the current occupant from a land they took in war. And that is something that I consider an unmitigated evil.

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