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Comment Re:maybe (Score 3, Interesting) 512

The problem right now is that the West Bank and Gaza are in a kind of limbo. They aren't part of Israel (so the inhabitants don't get any rights as citizens) and they aren't allowed to become a separate state (if they try they get bombed and 'settled' some more). So Israel should decide what it wants to do, not just keep killing civilians whenever some religious idiots decide to fire of more rockets.
If it wants the land ,it should give the inhabitants citizenships and enforce it's laws - not by bombing innocents but by actually occupying and policing everything.
If it does not want to do that it should get out of the area completely. Not just say that they left and leave the hundreds of miles of fences and checkpoints everywhere so the people can't even go to work without being harrased.

Comment Re:Not fungible (Score 1) 529

I'd make it so that they have to pay the H1B worker at least as much as the highest salary in the company (and any parent companies). After all, if there are no workers with that level of skill available the skill should be extremely valuable as a result (supply/demand). And since they did manage to find a CEO, the new worker should get more then the CEO.

Comment Re:Bollocks (Score 1) 322

Does China currently have any incentive to buy the cleaner technology? Upgrading would cost money and even for new factories the new tech is probably going to be more expensive then what they currently use.
In fact implementing this tariff could be the thing that convinces them to start buying the cleaner tech.

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