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Comment Re:Question and answer (Score 3, Interesting) 189

Based on the professional scientists I have worked with they can't do it either. Based on the level of fraud in scientific papers that have been found for new drugs it seems that very very few actually can do it to those thresholds. Sure they can lie at that level but they can't do science at that level.

Comment Re:IBM not immune to webbie disease (Score 3, Insightful) 156

What is worse is that those clueless people have cratered the market for people that actually know what they are doing. I have had customers try to outsource something, fail but then come back and try to negotiate a price in the ballpark of what they outsourced the project for even though the outsourced project did not work. They try to argue that they at least have a ballpark estimate to work from. Even had one customer turn off the ordering system on their site that tied into the inventory tracking system because the new system was just about to go online ... that was about 3 years ago and the new system never did get online at all.

That is a major reason I went back to school to change fields. Well that and how do you get something more exciting than DNA editing to cure diseases?

Comment Re:mobile is for a quick check on the go (Score 1) 382

However works on the galaxy note series of items so long as you are using the spen. However what I have learned is to mostly work on removing hover wherever possible since it is non-obvious to many people. The bootstrap menus do a nice job of making a menu that works without hover and is immediately obvious what it does and how it works.

Comment Re:What do they see? (Score 2) 102

We don't even know what you see now. We don't know if we see the same colors the same things etc. Remember we are taught that a certain color is red. So long as what you see is consistent we both have the same name for the same color but we don't know if they look the same to both of us. In the end so long as it works that is all that really matters.

Comment Re:And I thought I was inefficient (Score 1) 327

I have heard of sleep and resting. I think it is a myth that is promoted by business majors. :)

I technically have next week off for thanksgiving break but mostly professors see it as a time where you don't have class and can spend even more time getting work done so .... not really a break. It is so strange but every engineer that talks to us tells us that work is less than half as hard as school. :) At least I get out in may.

Comment And I thought I was inefficient (Score 1) 327

I use about 10kWh per month. There are lots of things I could do to make things more efficient still like more efficient devices, better insulation etc.

I have multiple computers that are always on, refrigerator, stove, oven, water heater, furnace, AC etc. I also spend a fair bit of each day at home (studying, working etc).

Either I am insanely low or that poll is designed for people that leave their AC on full blast with the windows open in the summer.

Comment Re:Okay to ban depending on which ones they do it (Score 2) 376

I only know it from class which means that it could be wrong. However my professors emphasized that we have special enzymes designed to change a trans to cis linkage but only at certain locations. That is just due to the size of these molecules and what our enzymes can do. If a trans connection is somewhere else then the enzyme does not fit right and doesn't break it. However since those lipids can still be broken on their other cis links they can be broken up small enough that an enzyme to put them into a cholesterol. This can end up with the trans part getting stuck in the enzyme and your cell destroying that enzyme or it could end up in the cholesterol and malformed which leads to damage.

I wish I knew of an article though because that would make this much more believable. All I really have is the information from professors and my knowledge of how cells operate so the actual mechanism is mostly just reasoned out so it could be entirely wrong.

Comment Re:Outright bans are not smart (Score 5, Informative) 376

Your body has facilities in it to process burning plant matter. To remove a lot of what it does. It is stupid to do it but our evolution does give us some protection against it. However we don't have adaptations to deal with those modern trans-fats. I am only talking about the artificial ones, not the natural ones. We have enzymes designed to break trans-fat linkages at specific points in a chain, they ONLY work at those specific points. So natural trans-fats we don't have a problem with. The artificial ones would be okay if they had their cross links at the same location but they don't. As a result we can't process them correctly and that leads to a lot of problems.

This is not in any way like smoking. Good on the FDA for regulating them.

Comment Okay to ban depending on which ones they do it to (Score 4, Interesting) 376

There are some naturally occurring tranfs-fats that our bodies have enzymes to deal wit (like in milk) and those are no problem at all. The problem is with the artificial trans-fats. The issue is when there is a trans link where your body does not have an enzyme that can break that link. It leads to strange problems like malformed cholesterol (which you need to live) and ends up causing things like arterial damage and plaques.

I do agree with the FDA dealing with foods that our bodies just can not process. This is not like alcohol where too much causes damage, our bodies can deal with smaller amounts of alcohol just fine and break it down. Some of these trans-fats we just have no natural way to break them down at all. As such they get stuck in places, have to be removed by other processes that don't always work, sometimes get incorporated into other things incorrectly etc.

However it looks like the FDA is making the right choice. They seem to only be going after the types of trans-fats that our bodies can't process.

Comment Re:WTF? (Score 1) 218

Amazon seems to use both. Sometimes it starts with the flash player and sometimes a silverlight player. I have not figured out any pattern to it so I suspect it is some kind of a test. The silverlight player though works MUCH better than the flash player does. This is true for netflix also.

Comment Re:UNDER THE POLICE STATE ... (Score 1) 321

I would say that all the presidents have been getting better at it. I would imagine our next one will be even better at it. A large part of the problem is our 24 hour news cycle. They are always jumping on the next new thing. Nixon had to deal with watergate for a long time. Current presidents only have to give lib service to the issue for about a week at most before the public is on to another issue and they forget the previous one. As a result no momentum is created and maintained to really do anything. It is wrong and it is evil but geeze it is hard as hell to fight.

Just trying to deal with things on a state and city level are hard enough much less dealing with the federal level. I wish things were not this way and that there was a better way to change this but so far I don't have any real ideas to fix it. That doesn't mean I will stop trying but I also have to realize how large the problem is.

Comment Re:UNDER THE POLICE STATE ... (Score 1) 321

You absolutely should try and do something to stop it. My point is that the parent comment had an extremely rosy view of this country and how much it followed the constitution which was NOT true.

Just look at the abuses of J Edgar Hoover with the FBI to see that warrant-less wiretaps did occur and were used to abuse specific people. Sure it was not on the scale we have not but that is a difference in scale not in kind.

One of the biggest problems I see is actually with citzens united ruling. In my state many people worked for a long time to get laws changed regarding campaign finance, state budget etc and with a single ruling the supreme court wiped that out. In the very next election almost all the officials were pro fracking since those companies outspent everyone else by a landside. How do you really get good people in office that do what the voters want when elections are almost purely defined by money and under citizen's united corporations can spend unlimited funds on elections?

My city even voted to start its own renewable power system for a lot of reasons. The local power company is spending more than my city is worth to fight it. They managed to spend enough money to get a new ballot issue put on that would basically stop the process and most people polled that signed that ballot measure thought it was to help the city create its own utility not destroy it. They did not even realize that the current power company was behind it. How do you really fight against corporations on that scale? If you can't fight those corporations how can you get any change in the government?

I try to view the world as it is not as what I want it to be. Only through seeing what is out there and accepting the way the world is can you figure out how to change it. In the 70s the dirty laundry was better kept away from the public but this country still did not follow the constitution and value freedom, it only claimed to.

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