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Comment Re:no sense of proportion, no justice (Score 1) 211

My position is that the people who have something stolen from them should be in a position to recover what is stolen, this is a private, civil matter, perps should be forced to return the goods, or to work to pay back for what was stolen plus damages (maybe a couple of times the value of the stolen goods) and there shouldn't gov't throwing people to jail for theft, taxes shouldn't be collected and spent on this.

So you are saying Bernie Madoff should not have been jailed and instead he should have worked to pay back a couple of times the value of the $$$ he stole and no longer had?

Submission + - FAA Reconsiders Allowing Electronic Devices in Flight (

rullywowr writes: Over ten years after the tragedy of 9/11, the FAA is reconsidering allowing the use of iPads, portable DVD players, and other electronic devices. Cell phones are not part of the reconsideration at this time. This topic has come up on Slashdot before, what do you think about the FAA allowing more devices?

Comment Re:Going from back to front is probably genetic (Score 1) 172

I'm one of those guys with some "double" joints, including my shoulders. The left one is really loose. I did it with handcuffs one time when I was a teenager, just to prove it could be done. I don't think I would do it now unless I was really desperate. The joint is still loose, but age makes everything harder. I also wonder about possible blood clots or other internal damage from doing it, which I didn't think about when I was a teen because all teens are immortal. :).

Mel Gibson? Is that you?


Submission + - Mountain Dew "Dub the Dew" promo pulled due to hacking and internet shenanigans (

rullywowr writes: Time reports that Mountain Dew's latest promotional stunt to name the new granny apple flavored drink was shut down due to hackers and people suggesting obscene names. Some of the top-voted names by users were the likes of “Hitler did nothing wrong,” “Diabeetus,” and “Gushing Granny" to name a few. In addition, the article mentions the site was hacked with an unwanted banner which said, “Mtn Dew salutes the Israeli Mossad for demolishing 3 towers on 9/11!” as well as some "unwanted RickRolling." The real question is if the security measures not implemented completely or perhaps the masterminds behind the promotion were just unprepared for the brutality of uncensored internet?

Comment Re:Begs for false negatives (Score 1) 71

Absolutely and completely worthless idea. Just because you set up an easy way for your peers to nark you out does not make it a viable or effective solution. When was the last time we could effectively ban ANYTHING even inside the USA? Let's see...

Alcohol? nope

Drugs? nope

Prostitution? nope

Illegal firearm ownership?



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