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Comment Re:No point encrypting if you're the only one... (Score 1) 108

And yet, as I point out, Apple has done it with iMessage. A lot of sites encrypt their traffic with SSL.

Both of these are surely compromised by the NSA by now. Certainly SSL is.

I think the real problem is one of standards.

That is a really good point. The move to closed systems is a disease that is killing the internet.

Comment Re:No point encrypting if you're the only one... (Score 2) 108

This argument hasn't changed in twenty years, in spite of massive improvements in ease of use. Apparently, it's impossible to make it "easy enough" for the average user. I think this means ease of use actually has very little to do with the problem. The problem is with the average user's priorities. People value convenience more highly than privacy, and as long as people don't change those values, encryption will never take on. Typically people will only change their priorities under threat of dire and immediate consequences for them personally. Everyone will lock their door so they don't get burglarised. But email privacy is too abstract and invisible still. It's going to take some huge cases of identity theft, with real monetary loss, to get people to change â" and then people will probably sooner abandon email than use email encryption. Finally, the kind of convenience that you propose necessarily will render the whole thing insecure. Letting strangers (like Google) manage your private keys defeats the whole purpose.

Comment That's the 1980's tech version. (Score 4, Insightful) 86

You could get an old laptop display, or even a tablet, be it Android or iProduct and beat this thing in every way. But you can't see a tablet well in the sunlight? I think it's obvious from this video you can't see that thing in the daylight either.

I'm not knocking the guys ability or talents, but he invented the light display AFTER the Jumbotron came out.

I'm a cyclist, I think things like Monkey lights are incredibly awesome, I think the new inner rim lights are great, but this isn't on point.

Comment This shit's been going off-line weekly for a while (Score 2) 164

I support a bunch of creative types on Macs mostly for a living, as a sys-admin, IT-know it and do-it-all. This shits been going down several times a week for the past couple of months. Usually no more than fifteen minutes to an hour at a time, but it's really easy to miss most of the time. Unless you're actively setting up new systems or inviting new users to teams your shit just keeps working and you don't notice. To say the least it's made me look like a fool more than once.

Can't login? Well do the little password reset thing. What? It says your user and password aren't right? Let me verify I've got you setup right.

Uhmm, I can't login either. I'm sure it's the right password.

Hey, can you login over there?

-- I don't like being made to look like a fool. The fact these bozo's have been doing it a couple of times a week recently is annoying.

What's even worse is I'm a Linux guy. I prefer using the Gimp and other FOSS stuff over what I'm supporting anyways.

Comment But what kind of monitor? (Score 1) 522

If I were doing this type of writing I would want a monitor that doesn't actually exist - I would actually want an e-ink monitor the size of a legal size sheet of paper, possibly an 11x17 "tabloid" size. I know they used to make "Paper White" CRT monitors in the mid to late 90's, but the last thing I would want is a CRT. Failing that I would do green on black monochrome with an LCD, I can't seem to get away from liking that, but I would consider a PixelQi. Lots of light coming out of the monitor draws you into the screen and out of your head, the wrong direction.

Someone should focus on making a monitor specifically for writing. Those "Paper white" CRT's are the last thing I can think of with writining in mind, and that was more for the publishing end of the spectrum.

Comment Am I the only one who wants 1.x back? (Score 1) 94

Seriously, 1.x compiled against modern libraries for the most part so everything works, but 1.x 1.x was great, fast, light weight, great file browser, easy to customize, no bullshit indexers and what have you insisting upon running in the background, it was a nice setup. Everything since has just sort of bloated.

Comment Re:Microsoft Opened Themselves Up for Lawsuits (Score 2) 345

Oh and don't forget which OS it was that gave us heartbleed. Was it Windows? No no no no, was it OSX? No no nooo no, was it Linux? yeah yeah yeah yeah!

How does this utter shit get modded up to +4? Heartbleed is an OpenSSL bug. It's got jack to do with Linux (or any other OS). That is just the worst in the parent message. Everything else is misleading as well.

Comment Re:I think this is bullshit (Score 1) 1746

How's for Left and a petition for concerted?

Or attempts from the administration themselves to study.

What about an actual Democrat representative making legislative efforts to bring it the fuck back?

Bullshit claim countered.

Comment Re:I think this is bullshit (Score 1) 1746

This - all the way. I'm a Libertarian, I don't consider myself traditional left or right, but I do see just this. The right calls upon their people to boycott (and it rarely works, right wingers are notoriously bad about sticking to boycotts over time), the left legislates and bullies and freaking PAYS protesters to picket.

Submission + - /. Beta comments don't work, users upset. ( 4

magic maverick writes: Since the new /. Beta came to light, many /. users and commentators have tried it out. However, they are almost universally condemning the new commenting system. It simply isn't as good as the so called Classic system. Some users, however, haven't a bad thing to say. Mainly because they haven't had a chance to even use the new system. It simply doesn't load. One user, Magic Maverick , who lives in a third-world country with crappy Internet, had this to say:

I come to /. for the comments, but with the new Beta, I can't even see anything! It just says:

''Shazbot! We ran into some trouble getting the comments. Try again... na-nu, na-nu!

It seems like the "developers" need to take some advice from people who actually know what they are doing. I'm happy to help explain what graceful degradation means if they like...

Submission + - Dice Holdings, Inc, deleting unflattering stories from Slashdot firehose 4

An anonymous reader writes: Stories submitted to the Slashdot firehose that take a negative view on the site's redesign are being deleted. 4 hours ago, it was full of anti-beta posts. Now they are gone. That's right. A forum that usually leaves V14GRA spam in place for posterity is deleting user content.

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