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Comment Stop treating it lightly. (Score 2) 258

This isn't a disease to play around with. Hardcore mandatory quarantine all that have been possibly exposed. Not in their homes, but in a facility. Treat it as more communicable than it is, because it could change. If I was on a plane with that guy, I should expect to be held in quarantine. Asymptomatic or not, people still do contaminating behaviors all the time: coughs, sneezes, spit when they talk, wipe or pick their nose, poorly wash their hands (if at all), nervous sweat at take off or landings, etc etc.

And... For goodness sake, stop people from travelling to and from Africa, would you please? Isolate that dang continent until this is over, as much as possible. The average Joe should not be able to get there, at all. And any medical personnel going there, mandatory quarantine before they can return. Anyone breaking these rules that causes the disease to spread should be tried for murder.

Quit screwing around with ebola, or this is going to be the plague that took care of overpopulation... in a big way.

Comment You are missing the point. (Score 1) 798

Anti-wiretapping laws are there TO PROTECT YOU.

Yes, it is unfortunate that it hampers this kid's attempt at exposing the bullying... But the law is there to protect everyone from being recorded without their express consent. The fact that the recording was used for good does not make it legal, and I know that sucks in this case... but overall, the law is better left intact for the greater good. It's protecting you, all of you, from someone recording you and using it against you. Do you *really* want to lose that protection because of this one case? I hope not. Because once you lose a protection like that, it's gone forever. I say that again, it would be gone FOREVER. And in days... not weeks, not years, you would see people falling prey to the loss of that protection. Then you will look back and think, "What have we done?"

Don't get me wrong, I was bulllied horribly growing up. It was terrible! But losing this one legal protection we have to deal with bullies is not the answer.

Don't know what the real answer is... anything I dream up is just as illegal, as I was bullied myself and can only think of mean ways to deal with them. But losing our rights and legal protections is the *worst* way to go.

Comment They want to scan the data. Duh. (Score 2) 257

I think it's obvious. They want the app so they can scan all of the messages to use to feed facebook's knowledge base about you / it's users. Like Google uses your gmail's, FB will use this to further monetize you as a product.

It doesn't need ads. They want the juicy data. Who you talk to, what do you talk about. Then they can use that data to make money.

Comment Not if it can do facial recognition. (Score 1) 192

If they can walk down the sidewalk and instantly categorize everyone around them, no thank you.

These two scenarios would suck, but stay out of trouble and this won't happen:
"Hey you! You have unpaid tickets!" Pounce.
"Hey you! You have a warrant 5 states away for blah!" Pounce.

But, it could also label people by beliefs and behaviors:
Glass says, "Known Muslim" Or "Known Christian" Or Democrat, or union member, or 1/2 black even though they don't look it. Or 'Arrested 12 years ago.'

The risk of them choosing people to abuse goes up the more they know about those people.

So no. Camera, fine. But HUD and immediate detailed info on every face it sees? Hello no.

Comment Keep them out of private sector. (Score 0) 251

Would it be legal to add "Have you ever worked for the NSA?" to your interviewing questions? I'd like to see them all denied jobs in the private sector once they lose their jobs with the NSA. They have knowingly worked to support spying on American citizens. Treat them like the criminals they are.

While we're at it, ask if they worked for SCO over it's last 5 years... don't want that so called 'talent' to ever have an IT job again, either.

Would it be legal to form a do-not hire list based on previous employment? It's not a race, it's not a sexual preference, it's not a gender... It's an indicator of ethics.

Comment I don't want a union, I want a Guild. (Score 1) 467

That's right. I want a globalized guild. Like stone masons were. Where IT workers have to go to special guild approved schools. Where there are oaths of loyalty to the concepts of Open Source, and freedom of information. Where places like SCO or the NSA can be denied services from the guild, leaving them only with unskilled rogue IT people... crippling these bad guys. A guild that can black list someone who crosses the line for working at such places willingly, once we've decided they are evil. A guild that can ensure good wages for our people, because it's global. So companies can't go *anywhere* without paying us the going rate we demand, not even 3rd world. I want a guild powerful enough to hold governments by the balls, and make them... force them to honor peoples privacy, respect our right to encryption, respect that our data is ours, even at borders, even if it's in a Google inbox. I would like a guild powerful enough to blockade entire nations from computer and internet access when such nations decide to be pricks to their people or their neighbors. I want a nation of IT workers, one entrenched in every physical nation, and calling the shots.

Give me that, and I'll vote yes on it. Otherwise, it's just a powerless regional union, and my job (and everyone else's) will move to where there is no such union. Hell, they could telecommute and replace us.

Comment Until protected by law, encrypt older emails. (Score 2) 332

Just a little googling and I found: IMAPCrypt

Looks like a decent utility to automate running daily... it will go through and encrypt (via PGP), emails over any age you specify.

Then when they go in, tada. Encrypted! Now they have to go request the backups, if there were any going that far back.

Another option would be a script or filter that moves everything to your local folders at home.

Comment Glad there are 2 lessons to this story. (Score 1) 1145

1) Be appropriate when on the clock, and...
2) Twitter / Facebook / Social Media shaming is a childish act.

The guy should have been respectful and appropriate, not made the comments.

But sorry, she's just as bad here. She could have spoken to them, or gone and told a representative directly to have them dealt with. But publicly shaming them, with photos, while *she* was on the clock, too... Not appropriate either.

Sorry lady, two wrongs do not make a right. Shouldn't have shamed them on twitter in the first place, and certainly not done so on the job.

Comment Suggestions: (Score 4, Informative) 210

* Run a BSD or Linux system. - Secure it. If you don't know how to do this, do your home work.
* Use a snapshot capable filesystem, and take snapshots (ZFS / BTRFS). - You can use these to identify file that have changed.
* Use Tripwire or a clone like AIDE. - This is a second level of checking for file changes.
* Manually audit your system regularly.
* Use OS repositories from outside Australia.

And the list would not end there.

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