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Comment Re:The military saves lives! (Score 2, Interesting) 75

He first donated as an 18-year-old in the army

As a 18-year-old Greek conscript marine i did the "1 day honorable leave donation", even if just the "1 hour away from the barracks" was good enough for me - 20 years later i proudly am in the process of getting a new donors card because the old is full with the records of my donations.
Donate blood!

That's interesting. Some things are the same everywhere. In the US Army we got the day off for donating blood, too. It's a great idea and was one of the few really nice perks. (Side note: every three-day weekend we automatically got a fourth day off. See the Army's not *that* bad, hah).

I eventually earned a five gallon donation lapel pin from the Red Cross after I left the service. I told someone this once and she said "You donated 5 gallons of blood today?" *faceslap* Well I'm B+ which is not rare but isn't really too common, either, it seems.

Though I've slacked on my donations lately. This is reminding me I should start thinking more about that.

Cheers AC Greek veteran!

Comment Re:Why do they need to be in the Military? (Score 3, Informative) 308

Why can't they just be hired to do specific work like millions of other federal employees? This seems a bit stupid.

I can think of a couple of reasons, there may be more. A new army recruit is probably going to be payed less than a civilian government employee. Also, in the military, you can work 18+ hrs a day and there is no such thing as overtime. Civilians are also not subject to the uniform code of military justice, which means punishing bad guys--or, heh, good guys doing bad--is always made easier than dealing with messy civilian justice.

Comment Physical requirements are not all that tough (Score 5, Interesting) 308

When I enlisted in 1990 you only had to be able to complete something like 13 pushups to be assigned to a basic training unit. Those that couldn't were put into a "remedial physical training" unit, where of course they were roundly laughed at by those in real basic. Passing the actual PT test at the end of basic is different, but at 18 were only had to do around 45 pushups and 60 situps in two minutes, and run two miles in less than 17 minutes or thereabouts--don't recall precisely. And as you get older, the requirements lessen. Upon enlistment all we had to do was lift 40 pounds above your head on a weight machine. I was 5'3" and 115 pounds back then (still 5'3", beer has added a bit of weight over time :-)

Comment Re:I'm weaning myself off of Gmail and Google (Score 1) 435

And how much work is keeping your own host updated and spam filtered? I've thought about doing it before on several occasions (the Raspberry Pi seems like a cheap solution), but I've heard that keeping things smooth for a single account is generally more trouble than it's worth. How much time would you say it takes?

You could install spamassassin and procmail. If procmail sees X-Spam-Flag: YES in the headers, plop it into your spam folder
or whatever. We use spamassassin on our incoming email servers and I very rarely get spam in my inbox. I receive more than 100
spams a day. We're an ISP and I very rarely have to muck around with with tweaking rules, etc.

After installing spamassassin, a cron job should be set up to run sa-update daily to update the filter rules.

Comment Re:Another view; a catch-all inbox (Score 1) 93

In all seriousness, I don't use a catch-all. Because none of the messages bounce back as undeliverable, it just builds up a worthless legitimate list for spammers around the world. Unless things have changed and you can both receive via catch-all and forge a false undeliverable, I'd rather not pollute my domain.

I don't see that it matters. Spammers, in my experience, rarely send with a valid return address, even if it looks legit. Say, like, And weeding their lists doesn't seem to be a priority. If I were to look in our mail logs right now, I'd no doubt see
thousands of spam mails per day sent to addresses that haven't existed for YEARS. My own address was unused for more than 3 years, and after
I activated it again (came back to work here, iow), I received new spam within seconds.

Comment Re:This would seem to be the guy (Score 1) 143

His ears were burning, he has updated his whois and is now anonymous. Not that it is going to help him now.

Administrative Contact:
        Contact Privacy Inc. Customer 0121602432,
        96 Mowat Ave
        Toronto, ON M6K 3M1
Record last updated on 14-Nov-2012.

Comment Re:You think this is a Game? (Score 1) 483

You could host secondary DNS yourself.

Can anyone tell me: if this is done, what happens when either DNS server is down, from the point of view of the user?

End-users should not notice a thing. The caching resolver they use at their ISP will try one of the listed
nameservers for a domain first (typically at random) if that address is not already in its cache, and if
the connection fails will automagically try the next in its list, if that fails the next, and so on. A delay of
some milliseconds in name resolution will be the only result, and probably not even noticed. If both
(or all if more than one) of the listed nameservers are offline and their is no cache entry for the looked up
name, the resolver will return an error to the client. Then they get a network connection error or whatever
their particular web browser decides to call the problem.

Comment The end of spam? (Score 2) 45

From the article:

"In my opinion, taking down the top three spam botnets—Lethic, Cutwail, and Grum—is enough for a rapid and permanent decline in worldwide spam level," he said. "We still have to deal with small players, but I am sure that, after seeing the big players being knocked down, they will retreat as well."

Very optimistic! There's too many colo/virtual host sites out there that simply don't give a rat's ass that large swaths of their
bandwidth and IP space are being used by spammers. They're everywhere! And I've given up telling them. Even "legit" ISPs
like Integra have routinely ignored my notices in the past, so I've simply given up, I haven't the time or inclination to help any
more. They're using spammers to help pad their bottom line.

Reduced, sure, but go away? And another big botnet will appear again in the future, I have no doubt at all.

Comment Re:Question- How did scammers do this? (Score 2) 473

I remember working C64 BASIC code to hack out call progress detection back in the early 80's. Had a Code-A-Phone where we pulled the 8042 microcontroler and emulated it with the C64. The Teltone/SSI chips (981, etc.) really saved our asses. Then I figured out how to brute-force calling card numbers with the hardware. Long story short, three years in Club Fed.

I was recently setting up a web power switch and its manual said the scripting language it used was BASIC, and I instantly flashed back to writing
a Star Trek II (Kaaahhhnn) simulator in BASIC during the 80's that had photon torpedoes about 1cm x 1cm. Strange how the brain works sometimes. Well, it
wasn't as sophisticated as your call progress detection hack, by any means, but I wish I had managed to saved that 5 1/4" floppy, just for grins.

Also, I believe this might be the first time in my years of having a slashdot login that I recall seeing someone admit to spending time in the slammer without posting as an AC. Cheers #1563, and happy for you that you left the club in time to garner a four-digit slashdot userid! I'm not jealous or anything. Ah, I'm off-topic. Been here 12 years and have a six-digit userid, I'll be off-topic for once. Heh.

But to get back on topic, though most likely nobody will read it. Working for an ISP off-and-on these last 15 years has nearly forced me to want to line up these scammers... well and do something not nice to them. Perhaps force them to watch under bright lights whilst someone social engineers one of their family and gets them to give up their life savings, at least their email password so we can login to their webmail and send nasty emails to all of their contacts. This is a symptom of having lots of customers do just that and *poof* we have thousands of emails going all over the place and Yahoo and what not deferring everything, so customers call up wondering why their email (forwarded joke, with attachments) to Grandma hasn't arrived yet. Maybe these scammers are desperate, maybe not. But it's kind of like shitting on someone else's lawn and not cleaning it up. *Someone* has to, and it's usually us.

I did login to the latest Nigerian scammer's web site, at some colo center in Germany btw, and enter a username of "GO BITE YOURSELF HOSER" and a password of "GET A LIFE". Wish I could say I tied them up on the phone for 30 minutes, but that is my contribution so far.

Comment Re:That hurts my stomach a little... (Score 1) 295

Wow! Thats an enormous waste of money!
They make $22,000 routers? What could they possibly do that like an Airport Extreme can't? heh.

Screw that. I just told my boss about this story and he imploded. We've been deploying MikroTiks to many
remote sites and they never bat an eye (although we sometimes prefer to run OpenWRT on them instead of
dealing with RouterOS). At around $80 a piece, they could have saved nearly $24 million dollars. Add
some additional cost for something cheap that interfaces with their T-1's. Ah, they should have got all the
fiber ready and then bought something much cheaper that would interface with it. $24 million of OUR MONEY.
Thank you WV.

Comment Re:Stupid (Score 3, Informative) 114

What kind of idiot builds a city next to a volcano?

For any of us that happen to live in the northwest US or the billion or so others who are near the Pacific ring of fire, we don't really have much choice. Here in Bend, we're only 30 miles from a bunch of old volcanoes--one of them, South Sister, is developing a bulge that grows about 1 inch a year--but if we moved the city farther away, we'd be out in the desert without our wonderful view of the Cascade Mountains and quick access to the ski resort and the dozens of lakes up there. Who would want that? I think it's a lot easier for someone from Scotland (I assume *that* Edinburgh) to avoid volcanoes in his native land, eh?

In any case, lack of proximity does not equal safety. When Mt St Helens erupted in 1980, I was in Spokane, at least a couple of hundred miles away from it, and we got blanketed in ash that made life more difficult for weeks. We didn't suffer from pyroclastic flows or anything, of course, but it's not recommended to breath volcanic ash for any length of time (had to wear masks forever).

Comment Re:Need the dragon (Score 1) 87

Seriously, one of the hidden issues on the ISS is that the crews are split

Good info. I don't believe this would stop the crew up there from investigating, trying to
find and investigating again some way to save the other half. I'm guessing, but if I were up
there, saving these friends of mine would be a priority. Up there, I suppose, my wishes
might be like dust.

Comment Re:Borgification (Score 1) 748

No, you will continued to be serviced by t-mobile folks locked away in some far corner of customerservicelandia.


There's a large T-Mobile support center here in central Oregon. They even have a gym and other nice amenities for call reps. And I've talked to T-Mobile reps who are at other call centers in the US. It would be a shame if AT&T cut those jobs. It was a big deal when T-Mobile came here--it's not like there are tons of other jobs opening up.

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