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Comment Re:No difference with drawing weird shit (Score 1) 112

I do think there's a difference between some soul-rotten dude drawing people beaten to a pulp to turn on some other soul-rotten people, and snuff-on-demand.com. Maybe not at its core, but it's just one big step in the race to the bottom. The scary thing here is not AI, but the new humankind lows we will discover in the process.

Comment Re:He is not wrong (Score 1) 279

Most of the media content I consume (and it's worthy to pay for) is, at best, Full-HD, so in terms of streaming, I tend to agree with you, however the same does not apply to gaming. Recently I switched from a 55'' Full-HD TV to a 55'' OLED and the gaming experience is *totally* different. However, most of the games look better (IMHO) with HDR turned off.

Comment Re:What the *Bleep*? (Score 1) 119

As long as you can afford to pay for an expensive enough group of lawyers to make it happen... What is really sad about this is that they could have used some of these $57.423 million to fund an open source project/startup to develop a replacement, but now I guess Larry will be buying another yacht.

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Ya'll hear about the geometer who went to the beach to catch some rays and became a tangent ?
