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Journal Journal: My journey to the mysterious future

And all I got was a troll mod.

A user has moderated your comment "Offtopic" (-1).
A user has moderated your comment "Troll" (-1).
        Re:The weirdest thing just happened!
        the troll comment

All I did was comment on a new (to me at least) feature on /. and why it may not have the desired intent.

Fair - who knows M2 will see to that.

If anybody is reading this is there a "standard" journal for /. bitching?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Gawd, that felt good... or, trolling for Mac-Heads on /.

----Update, 12/06/04: I've recently sold my G4 Cube ($700 on eBay - go me!) and my brand new dual G5 will be arriving today via UPS...)---

Original journal entry below:

After a long stint of enjoying the grand experience here, and with more than just a little mischief, I decided to have a bit of fun with the masses.

I'd been toying around with the subject matter, and while reading comments in a rather decent article on, it hit me: most folks claim that Linux users are some sort of ugly zealot-packed mob that rabidly attacks anything that dares impugn the Holy Penguin(tm, pat. pending, etc...)

Now, from experience, I know full well that Linux users are naught but docile saints compared to one particular segment of humanity: Mac users. Being bored, and having the appropriate mood, a wee article appeared that presented the perfect opportunity.

Knowing the shelf-life of a /. story, I had to act fast, but I think I pulled off a fairly decent entry that would separate the intelligent from the raving, drooling, eternally-pissed-off Mac zealots.

As of this writing, there are approximately three responses that successfully avoided the bait - two that actually approached it with some intelligence, one with a good dose of wit, and the rest? Well, the rest proved my point... a seething pack of anger-ridden zealots in the truest sense of the word. I bet most are still shaking at their desks from the adrenalin overload, clutching their iPods and grinding their teeth in white-hot rage.Click the link above and enjoy the show... :)

Perhaps I should include some caveats: One, I am a Macintosh user, and am the proud owner of a G4 Cube which I have successfully modified quite extensively. (I also own a P4-based PC, but I only use it for games and CG art proggies I can't find a Mac version for.) I guess I should also include the fact that I own neither a Dell DJ or an iPod... I instead prefer to play my music via the mp3 player on my Compaq 3536 PocketPC loaded with Linux Familiar and a big fat CF card... (this way I can play music and games on it, grab email, etc... )

Ah well, I guess I should be getting back to the site and read up about how my fellow Mac afficianados think I'm gay, an idiot, a clueless dumbass, etc etc. It's damned funny in a way, and I can always point to it in the future whenever the clueless folk at SecFocus decide to screech about "linux zealotry" or somesuch.

Until next time, Mousketeers...

User Journal

Journal Journal: Hello World

Aren't I clever. My 'Hello World' is the shortest representation possible. Admittedly I am using Slashcode as the compiler and runtime environment, but that is just skill on my part in choosing the most appropriate toolset.

Any spelling/grammar freaks or gnaa trolls can go away now.

PS: for extra points which is worse a spelling/grammar freaks or a gnaa troll?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Why are you reading my journal?

There's nothing to see here. Move along.

If you really want to read my boring(?) journals, go to my Web sites then!

Oh, and trolls like those who support GNAA, suck. God will never let them in Heaven when it is time. :)


Journal Journal: Linux On Laptop (LOL)

Vendor support for Linux on laptops (preinstalled or just drivers for components) is still nearly nonexistent. When shopping for a Linux laptop, it seems there are three options, all ugly:
  1. Pay someone like Qlitech, EmperorLinux or ASA a steep premium to deliver a laptop with Linux installed.
  2. Buy a OEM laptop with no OS from someplace like this and investigate the hardware, track down drivers, hope after much pain everything works.
  3. Buy a name-brand with Windoze preinstalled and paid for, investiage the hardware, track down drivers, hope after much pain everything works.

Linux-On-Laptops is a good resource, problem is very few of the models currently being sold have entries at LOL (heh).

A fourth option is to watch for a used model that is known to be well supported by existing drivers. This is also the most frugal route, which has a strong appeal.

Will this situation ever change? It could get worse -- the laptop market is growing faster than the desktop market, and the fastest growing portion of the desktop market (I'd bet), "slim" PCs, I suspect has more components in common with laptops than full scale desktops (meaning much worse Linux support).

Arrgh. What a PITA.

User Journal

Journal Journal: First post

Went to a small grocery at 18th & Mission (not Duc Loi, catty-corner from there) and loaded up on super cheap fruit and vegetables. Need to get to Japantown soon, I'm all out of konnyaku and natto.

Last 24hours, coded in Java, XSLT, SQL, Tcl, Perl, Bash. Hadn't really thought about it before, but such juggling of multiple languages in a single day isn't atypical. For the most part it's a case of using the right tool for the task at hand, though I'd love to replace Tcl and Perl with Ruby. Also glanced at Pliant, E and Haskell for my own amusement.

Slashdot Top Deals

It seems that more and more mathematicians are using a new, high level language named "research student".
