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Comment Re:Let us keep our thoughts with our Kremlin frien (Score 1) 667

I find it strange that both the Netherlands and Malaysia are both very hesitant about making accusations against Russia. I realize both countries are important trading partners with Russia/China, but this is absurd. Russia doesn't care for you.

Maybe they (and especially Malaysia after the MH370 cockups) are just waiting for evidence?

The Netherlands seems to have no reluctance in criticizing Russia for it's cack-handed handling of the situation on the ground, but going from there to saying "Die Putin, you fiend" needs a little more proof.

Comment Re:Russia has no choice (Score 3, Interesting) 503

Putin has effectively already admitted that the rebels did it:

The state over whose territory this occurred bears responsibility for this awful tragedy.

-- Vladimir Putin.

Note that he doesn't say "Ukraine did it", he says "It's Ukraine's fault", i.e. that it would never have happened if Ukraine hadn't made such a fuss about having its territory annexed.

Classic victim blaming. "You made me do it, it's your fault".

Comment Re:English. So much fun. (Score 2) 552

Yes, thermometers were invented around that time. But to record GLOBAL TEMPERATURES, you need two thing: 1) an accurate thermometer. Yes, they existed prior to 1980. But you also need 2) global measurements. Prior to satellite measurements, there were very large parts of this globe that didn't have any measurements at all. There were accurate thermometers, they just weren't located all over the place.

And, surprise, the satellites, when they are correctly calibrated, confirm the thermometer data.

In a qualitative sense, not getting the small area over the poles is MUCH different than not getting the vast majority of the planet at all.

ignoring the little problem that the poles may be warming faster than the rest of the planet.

Comment Re:Why bother arguing anymore? (Score 1) 552

You have two religious factions bickering. No amount of evidence for either Global Warming or the opposite will ever convince anyone. So here's my suggestion:

If you think Global Warming is real, move inland and arm yourself to shoot those that try to follow once the waters rise.

Well, I live about 100 metres above sea level, around 157 km from the sea. We don't do that "shoot the refugees" thing here, we're communists.

Comment Re:Wrong focus. (Score 1) 552

There aren't that many "coldest on record" events happening.

Really? We broke record lows just this morning. And our last month has been well below average.

Yes, I realize my above was BS, but so is the "it's hot so it's GW" statements.

When was the most recent global cold record?

Yesterday was the coldest day since the day before that?

Comment Re:Absolutly-GISS temps heavily "adjusted" (Score 1) 552

It is kind of weird, though. With all the extra CO2 that we've measurably added to the atmosphere in the last decade, you'd expect there to be SOME warming.

Yeah, you would, wouldn't you.

It was warming from 1976 to 1998

HADCRUT4 1976-1998 Trend: 0.163 +/-0.083 C/decade (2sigma)

Why did it suddenly stop?

Oh, it didn't

HADCRUT4 1976-2014 Trend: 0.164 +/-0.037 C/decade (2sigma)

Comment Re:English. So much fun. (Score 1) 552

Given that global temperature data wasn't available before there were satellites to measure it

What fucking drugs are you on?

Before satellites we had these things called thermometers. They were invented around 1638.

You do know that satellites can't measure global temperature - they can't see above +85 or below -85 degrees.

Comment Re:English. So much fun. (Score 2) 552

The language was also probably translated from Japanese. So the author looked at the Japanese, considered the corresponding adjectives available (global vs. regional), and picked the one that would attract the most attention while still maintaining some credibility.

And as I said elsewhere: I guarantee you the Japanese Meteorological Agency does not have global records (in Antarctica, Argentina, the Sudan, Sweden, etc.) back to 1891. So in the proper context, the adjective "global" here can only mean comprehensive to their Agency's records for Japan.

You are a clown who does not know how to follow a link.

From the Slate article:

The Japan Meteorological Agency said June 2014 was the warmest June globally since at least 1891, when its dataset begins.

The words "June 2014" are a link: http://ds.data.jma.go.jp/tcc/tcc/products/gwp/temp/jun_wld.html

If you follow it you find a nice page written in English which explains where the data comes from:

JMA estimates global temperature anomalies using data combined not only over land but also over ocean areas. The land part of the combined data for the period before 2000 consists of GHCN (Global Historical Climatology Network) information provided by NCDC (the U.S.A.'s National Climatic Data Center), while that for the period after 2001 consists of CLIMAT messages archived at JMA. The oceanic part of the combined data consists of JMA's own long-term sea surface temperature analysis data, known as COBE-SST


Comment Re: The Heartland Institute (Score 1) 552

Try looking at actual data. That's the RSS data, which is inherently better than spotty surface station coverage in that it directly integrates the entire lower troposphere.

Dr Roy Spencer doesn't agree that RSS is the best.

Anyway, my UAH cohort and boss John Christy, who does the detailed matching between satellites, is pretty convinced that the RSS data is undergoing spurious cooling because RSS is still using the old NOAA-15 satellite which has a decaying orbit, to which they are then applying a diurnal cycle drift correction based upon a climate model, which does not quite match reality. We have not used NOAA-15 for trend information in yearsâ¦we use the NASA Aqua AMSU, since that satellite carries extra fuel to maintain a precise orbit.

Comment Re:Wait, did $Deity announce a do-over? (Score 1) 389

I've read it several times.

Then maybe you need new glasses:

The simplest explanation for both the hiatus and the discrepancy in the models is natural variability. Much like the swings between warm and cold in day-to-day weather, chaotic climate fluctuations can knock global temperatures up or down from year to year and decade to decade. Records of past climate show some long-lasting global heatwaves and cold snaps, and climate models suggest that either of these can occur as the world warms under the influence of greenhouse gases.

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