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Comment Re:HAH (Score 0) 218

Spreading fear and hate certainly is not part of the Christian message in my book.

Is it not? Try telling that to Jesus, he pretty much invented from scrap the whole "fear of hell" dungturd. Before him, IIRC, jews said that everyone went after death to the same place right under Yhwh's glory forever; if you loved him and were a good jew that should make you happy, and if you weren't you'd suffer from guilt and remorse under him. Similar, but not quite the same.

Comment Re:Use what the standard is. Stop trying to usurp (Score 1) 336

I don't really see the drawback to eliminating Flash NOW and scheduling the elimination of h264 in 2 or 4 or 6 years when enough phones have moved through the market to make hardware support fairly standard.

I see one: Flash is so "open" that currently there are no fully-usable alternatives; the guys at GNash, Lightspark and SWFDec are working on it, but it'll take a while to replace it. However, there is an alternative to h264 that is good enough, and that works now. Again, there will be a few drawbacks for WebM on mobile devices until the upcoming hardware with full VP8 support starts to replace current devices, but unless MPEG-LA manages to eat everybody's brains and force h264 as a standard, it's just a matter of time.

Comment Re:Pretty soon... (Score 1) 765

Also, sites are not going to give up on H.264 because H.264 is vastly superior for mobile devices.

Sites won't give up on H.264 yet because it has already acquired a situational advantage (hardware support) that WebM still doesn't have. But AMD, ARM and Broadcam are working on it, and Intel has announced that they consider doing the same, so it's a matter of time.

This is just open source fanboys promoting an inferior solution to solve a problem that is far more imaginary than real.

The problem is more complex than you think. (Ba-dum, zing)

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