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Comment Re:When I was a kid we thought America was free (Score 1) 475

If you're walking in a US neighborhood that a patrolling police officer thinks you look out of place in, he will stop and talk to you and he will likely demand identification. If you really want to you can try to explain to the officer why you don't need to, but you're most likely going to get into a drawn out argument with a police officer. this is how 'Merica works.

"You don't need papers," my ass.

Comment Re:Bombs and terrorists (Score 1) 826

But he wan't being disruptive. It sounds to me like everything was fine, then Delta started making a hubub and questioning/interrogating him at the gate. Also, Common Carriers (which Delta is) are not allowed to discriminate or refuse service unless there is some compelling reason -- a guy wearing a shirt doesn't sound very compelling to me.

Comment Re:Seems like the truthers are trying to make a st (Score 1) 593

Multiple times the thought to do this has occurred to me, but I don't know how you'd prove your innocence once shit hit the fan. I've thought about sending a letter to myself detailing the plan, only to be opened in the event that I am arrested/accused of a conspiracy to commit murder/terrorism, but how would you prove that you hadn't done that as a safety measure in case someone caught you carrying out your legitimate terrorist conspiracy? "Oh, umm.... I was just trying to see if the government is monitoring people, I don't actually want to kill anyone. I have a letter right here saying so. See.....? You can let me go now."

That being said, I do assume that Facebook automatically scans every chat for keywords and sends the filtered message(s) over to someone for closer inspection. I really, really want to know if this is the case, but I also don't want to royally fuck up my life. I only have one, you know -- and I do care about it. The only way I'd ever do something like this is if I had the backing of an organization like the ACLU and it was uber-well documented. I think that'd be the only way to do it and sufficiently cover your ass. The government doesn't like being embarrassed.

Comment Re:what the? (Score 1) 639

if you have a hardware issue just take it back to the store and have them replace it. that's what i did with my iphone 3gs a few years back. took 20 minutes at the genius bar including the waiting

oh wait......

If you have a battery issue, just order a replacement off the Internet and replace it yourself. That's what I did with my Droid X a year ago. Took 5 minutes of searching online and only cost ten dollars.

Oh wait...

Comment Re:Careful. (Score 3, Informative) 165

Quite honestly, I don't know why we shit on ACs just for being ACs. It's the same thing as an ad hominem attack, which we regularly condemn here.

In reality the AC is correct and the grandparent is incorrect in his assertion that, "There didn't appear to be any motive for the assault other than a fear of his prothetics." Grandparent is apparently unaware that essentially all information regarding Mann's incident comes from his blog. There was thorough discussion on Slashdot about possible motives and I think it was generally agreed upon that the reason for the attack was a perfect storm of a) language barrier b) Mann's disregard for the rules of McDonalds, and from what I gather, unwillingness to leave (no filming or pictures) and c) McDonald's employees who are currently trying to keep their restaurant, which is currently under protest, from going under.

All this being said, AC's comment, though correct, was inflammatory with the "state facts or STFU" spiel at the end. It looks like there are only losers here.

Comment Re:A right way and a wrong way (Score 1) 184

"Marriage is a legal institution and the details aren't a secret in some states. Why should the details of the divorce be?"

Because it's your personal life, no crimes were committed, it and doesn't have anything to do with anyone other than your spouse and you.
"If there is no public interest in marriage, why does it even exist as a legal institution at all?"

Good point, and exactly why married people shouldn't receive any benefits not afforded to an unmarried individual. The government shouldn't be incentivizing lifestyle choices. Besides, "marriage" is historically a religious institution. Quite frankly, I don't understand why the government is involved in it at all or why things like "marriage certificates" even exist. The government shouldn't be involved in marrying people or keeping them from being married. The whole thing is stupid.

Comment Re:Remember when Street Fighter II came out for SN (Score 1) 323

Your comment loses its umph when you cite Braid and Minecraft (Indie games -- not AAA titles by a long-shot) as examples of games that cost ten dollars.

You're comparing something that two people worked on to something that around a hundred people worked on. Give me a break.

Comment Re:And why is this bad? (Score 1) 316

It's not enforced? Are you kidding me?

In the US bars/restaurants/liquor stores all take carding their patrons very seriously. Obviously their are individuals and particular locations who don't take it seriously, but for the most part, they do. This is because in most jurisdictions, getting caught serving underage twice within a year (which cops do buy hiring underage people to buy drinks) will cause your establishment to lose their liquor license for 6 months. For any establishment that serves alcohol, this usually means going out of business.

Maybe some parents give their kids beer occasionally (4th of july, new years, etc.) and let older high schoolers drink at their house because they think the law is unreasonable, but the fact is there is no way those kids went out and got the beer themselves without getting an older person to buy for them or using a fake ID.

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