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Comment What is interesting... (Score 5, Insightful) 591

People today seem to think that this is something new. The only "new" in all of this is the instantaneous aspect of transmitting information. These types of acts have been perpetrated in other wars since man picked up his first sticks and stones. To be amazed that this actual happened is nothing more than the true disconnect that people; in general, have with reality as a whole.

Comment You could go this route... (Score 1) 517

Type (vice write!) several letters, tape (vice lick!) the envelopes closed, use stick-on stamps and send them out to the company, the FBI, the investors and several different news agencies. Include what the problem is and how it is accomplished. No handwriting analysis evidence nor any DNA evidence... job accomplished. Preferably, mail from a different city as well to throw the scent off.

Comment Pricing is part of the equation... (Score 1) 466

Not sure how it is that they simply throw that out. Though I do not pirate games, one of the things that chaps my hide is that a game cost $50-$60 upon release via S.T.E.A.M. or any other digital-only avenue still. Why is it that a digital-only version costs as much as brick-n-mortar version? There is no shipping, packaging, burning, printing, etc. involved yet the pricing is the same. Add to that, a majority of the games are soon in the bargain basement lot on the digital download sites within a few weeks. I refuse to buy a game immediately upon release any long due to this and the initial pricing garbage now. These companies continue to believe that their bottom line must be met through breaking our wallets even though studies to the contrary have shown this to be completely unnecessary. Better pricing along with a better supply channel is how to win the hearts of almost all players. To be sure, some people that pirate will never purchase a legitimate release but then again, they were never the true market anyway. Their road is set in stone, as they say.

Comment For me... (Score 1) 325

it had nothing to do with the Qwikster debacle at all. It had to do with having to deal with the whole 1 movie out of a series made available for streaming and only being able to view the rest of the movies thru renting the DVDs. A lot of the times it happened to be that the first movie was only available via DVD, the second could be streamed and the next was again only available via DVD and so on. The whole behind-the-scenes scheming of the movie industry and their greedy paws in the mix was the final nail in this coffin. And they wonder why some people prefer to pirate instead of using legitimate outlets... isn't greed wonderful?! Completely asinine that I can rent movies all the day long in DVD format but streaming is a crap shoot. Tired of the headache so I got rid of my headache and went back to the old fashioned movie viewing experience; renting DVDs again.

Comment As usual... (Score 1) 186

The "Opt-in" and "Opt-out" once again is setup backwards!

Why is it that people should have to "Opt-in" for a standard. This is why society is so confused today. There's
no rhyme nor reason to that which corporations do things anymore; their norm is to be abnormal it seems! To
do things ass-backwards has become SOP.

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