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Comment Re:How Linux wins the Desktop (Score 1) 727

How Linux wins the Desktop

1. Rationale: We need the "fragmentation" problem to be addressed, and I would suggest that a good start would to have a standard interface that is common across all of "Linux".

No, that's not a point. As long as there is ONE distribution of Linux that just works and is built to be easily accessible to newbies, you can have all the flavors of the world besides this one, it won't matter.
That's what Canonical tried, and it quite worked for a while.

Comment Re:Potheads assemble! (Score 1) 178

He had no teeth left, since he couldn't look after them they had to all be removed. He was heavily medicated but was still liable to fits of anger and hitting other patients for something simple like sitting in his chair. He was barely able to speak and never managed more than a couple of mumbled, often unintelligible words. There was a rec room where we could watch a TV which was behind a plexiglass panel we needed to lift up to change channels. He had a tic that meant every 1-2 minutes he needed to get up, walk to the TV, life the plexiglass, run his hand over the top of the TV, then sit down again. He might do this 100+ times in a day.

You understand that the very heavy effects that you describe are most likely the results of the heavy medication he's on, much more than of his psychotic trouble or marijuana?
Read Roger Gentis, it's a bit old now but still relevant...

Comment Re:Trolls == Necessary Evil (Score 1) 382

Trolls are not "people who have a different enough opinion"; they are people who insist on claiming their opinions as the truth even when it brings no good to the discussion.

Case study: there are frequently libertalians posts on Slashdot. Obviously, as nobody outside the US is stupid enough to lose time with such a bullshit philosophy, I don't care for such discourses.
But I don't have anything particularly relevant to say to counter them, so I do not waste everybody's time by flaming these posts.

Once, I wrote that Galt's speech "I owe nobody nothing" is so utterly stupid and so at the opposite of all that makes civilization and wisdom (which are both about acknolewdging one's debts rather than speaking like a spoiled brat taking for granted all the help he ever got) that it removes the need to read the rest of Rand's writings in order to understand how she's a self-inflated quack.
That's probably "different enough opinion" to many slashdotters, and it is agressively worded indeed, but that's not flame: it's an analysis of a speech, and it's an argument, which means somebody disagreeing with me can challenge it with arguments of his own, not only flame me or insult me.
And I wrote this on topic, I do not reply to random libertalian posts to explain them why they're wrong - I know they won't change their opinions, and I won't either, so I spare us all the trouble.

Climatic change deniers or bible-thumping creationnists do not usually come here with argumentation and a desire to listen to contradiction, but only to assert their beliefs. That's what makes them trolls, not the fact that they are GW deniers or creationists.

(I chose to use the meaning of the word that TFA uses, even if "troll" has a precise definition, since the parent seemed to use the same misleading meaning)

Comment Re:So ... (Score 1) 218

In the case of vaccines, the small risk of the vaccine causing some harm is dwarfed by the huge risk of the disease it prevents.

Actually, the costs/benefits analysis has to be done for each vaccine: it was obvious for vaccines against highly epidemic lethal diseases, even with the badly prepared nurses of the time (I believe that it's for the polio vaccine that many lost leg mobility after a badly done injection touched the nerve?), it may not be for vaccines against rare diseases.

Comment Re:keep calm everyone.... (Score 1) 183

Well, TL;DR Wikipedia explained it better than you did, but you both may have failed to take a new factor into account...
From MSF claims it appears that local population have begun to consider that prophylactic measures are what causes Ebola, and so forbid medical teams to enter their villages.
Considering that in the whole rainforest africa, at the core of social regulations and relations are witchcraft and poison (witchcraft for the theory, the social conception of causality, poison for the actual means of action), these beliefs are here to stay, especially in the countries where there were nearly no development and where the educational system have been destroyed - not counting a horrible civil war in Liberia and Sierra Leone.
Without prophylaxy and with the local way of life, Ebola is here to stay: it's becoming endemic. And once it reaches the big cities's slums, it probably will not only stay but thrive.
So, yes, it is now a very big health concern, even if as you said it wasn't before.

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