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Comment Re:Well at least they saved the children! (Score 1) 790

Look here, there is no doubt (for sane people) that the act of making pictures and video's with paedophile content is illegal because it's hurting the kids involved.

The trading in illegal material is punishable in itself and it includes the knowing consumption of such illegal material, the knowing is in the case of kiddie porn usually pretty damn obvious.

Your last sentence is disturbing and warrants an investigation all by itself or are you just stupid?

Comment Re:The "dying industry"... (Score 1) 113

You are onto something but I don't see it quite as bleak.

Yes investigative journalism has disappeared from mainstream media but it's still available for those knowing the price of quality.

I don't know enough about Spain but in countries like The Netherlands, Germany and Denmark there is still a group of influential people willing to pay the price for quality papers, be it dead tree or digital.

The future will tell if this lasts but I am hopeful, I put my money where my mouth is and subscribe to such publications.

Those that want their 'news' for free are anyway lost to Fox News and the Daily Mail, the problem is because subtlety is lost on them they're likely to vote for the Putins, Palins or Wilders of politics...

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