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Comment Microsoft Surface (Score 1) 287

I don't know why the focus is on Linux.

I got a Microsoft Surface (rt) for my Mom and she loves the thing. It gets a lot of negative press for not being a "real" windows but it fits her needs well (web, email, Netflix, solitaire), has a touch screen and keyboard. It's relatively inexpensive and moreover, Microsoft offers two years of training for $99 (one lesson per week). You can't beat that price if your grandma is interested in learning more about her computer (assuming she's somewhat close to a Microsoft Store).

Comment Re:Microsoft had another option to be different (Score 1) 222

But, it comes with a cost--the inability to buy used discs or discs from third parties at a discount will keep prices outrageously high for games.

Steam is diskless. It also has games that are just as cheap, if not cheaper, than used disk games (especially during sales). There are other benefits as well, such as no disks for the kids to scratch up or thieves to steal that you have to re-buy if you want to play again.

Comment Re:Star Trek world has scarcity (Score 1) 888

Thanks for responding. I do disagree with you about free trade though. I believe it to be good. It might be disruptive but it is economically efficient (overall) and it is peaceful. In fact, surpluses created by trade and other means are essential if we want to fund all the good things societies want. The problem isn't trade per se, it's that the benefits aren't reallocated back to the people that might be displaced by it.

Comment There is programming without code. (Score 2) 876

Programming is nothing more than telling a machine what to do. You can tell your car to start by turning a key. You can tell the light to switch off by flipping a switch. You can even etch your own circuit board without typing anything. However, using actual words to code is much easier than designing an entire system from chemical and mechanical processes. That's why we have programming languages. Despite popular perceptions, those languages significantly simplify complex tasks.

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