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Comment Re:Paper Maps (Score 1) 236

Actually it's worse - GPS tells you where you are. If you want to go somewhere else, you might want to look at a map to see where the roads are. GPS makes it possible to have an effectively self-orienting map. How this implies that GPS replaces maps I have no idea.

Comment Re:Bang-bang control in action. (Score 2) 485

How about growing up instead of throwing a temper tantrum. Voting for conservatives because the progressives are not progressive enough is childish and stupid. There are plenty of democrats that don't like the NSA stuff either - most of the work in this area is done by the NCLU and EFF, which are not republican by a long shot - just vote and speak for more progressive democrats. Not against them! duh! (this is assuming you are not a shill paid to manipulate democrats into not turning out to vote. grrr)

Comment Re:Meh.... Here's the thing ..... (Score 1) 294

It's not that it would be logistically impossible. It would just be a waste of resources and a hindrance to the process of actually fighting the outbreak on the ground in west africa, which is far more important. This "travel ban is good common sense" stuff is just a political gamesmanship before an election. It's something that sounds good in a sound bite but actually makes things worse. But it is quite revealing about which politicians actually care about good policy for the public and which only care about their political careers.

Comment Re:This is silly (Score 1) 720

If you are retired and you didn't factor standard inflation into your plan then you didn't plan correctly. The usage of "a little inflation" is just humorously saying the normal target 2% inflation would be good. Low inflation is not good for the economy as a whole. Ironically one of the reasons inflation is necessary is to appropriately encourage workers to move from less productive (in terms of the overall economy) to more productive jobs because the wage for the less productive one doesn't keep up with inflation. But that assumes in either case the worker is being paid more than minimum wage.

Comment Re: New York (Score 1) 372

You are wrong. They were not following guidelines, though it is unclear that the appropriate guidelines were communicated well. (i.e. the people handling Duncan were clearly not properly trained).

Blaming the CDC when some Dallas hospital doesn't care enough about their staff to train them properly is stupid. And the CDC has changed policy. Active cases are now being transported to appropriate facilities instead of trusting that random regional hospitals know how to train their staff properly. (you make your own conclusions about mid-level health care from that.)

And that the administration is worried about political correctness is a complete strawman. They have said quite clearly that the problem with a travel ban or quarantine would be that it would make fighting the outbreak more difficult rather than better. The best chance here is to get the resources into west africa and stop the outbreak there. Travel bans and quarantines on non-symptomatic people only pointlessly waste resources to make you feel good about your ignorance.

Comment Re:Bennett Haselton on the Ebola outbreak (Score 1, Insightful) 372

Sorry but you are wrong. Ebola is not transmissible until the patient is symptomatic. So, for example, NOBODY outside the hospital caught ebola from Eric Duncan. It has been more than 21 days since he went in. This is a done deal.

And if we could detect the virus before symptoms set in, then we wouldn't need to monitor for symptoms, we could just test them and be done with it. DUH! Duncan's family in Dallas were "quarantined" because they couldn't bother to make themselves available for someone to take their temperature twice a day (talk about sad). And others have been quarantined because the public is freaked out, not for any medical reason. People being monitored shouldn't travel mostly because if they become symptomatic they may not be in a convenient place to get into quarantine from there.

Comment Re:Call it what you will (Score 1) 329

While I tend to agree, I think is some more subtlety. In its original conception, CGI probably did consider the web inputs as essentially session-level data, which would warrant what you refer to as "semi-persistant" storage in the environment. I would say that web programming has evolved some in modern usage, and a transient-data model as you suggest is probably more appropriate.

But there is plenty of blame to go around. Bash, or anything else for that matter, should not interpret otherwise completely unused environment data in such a way that it gets executed. There are plenty of other contexts outside CGI where that is a problem. Environmental variables are a well-established way for communicating data from parent to children processes. One that is, sometimes conveniently, agnostic about whether that data is intended for or a direct child or the child of a child. But if a program is performing some function based on the content of *any* environmental variable rather than the content of a specific variable or variables, that is likely to cause trouble.

Comment Re:Already fixed in Debian... (Score 1) 399

The question would be which shell does the equivalent of system() in PHP, PERL, etc call? If the PHP or PERL code in question only uses system() to execute binaries and not scripts (which might spawn bash as you say) then it would not be vulnerable because it would be done with dash. Does anybody know which would be used? Might it depend on the form of the system() call?

Comment Re:Who would have thought (Score 2) 194

Yep, at least in the US a roundabout is all about guessing, based on their approach, whether the other approaching driver has any clue how a roundabout is supposed to work. Just because you have the right of way doesn't mean it won't be a total mess if you hit somebody in the driver's door because they pulled out in front of you instead of yielding.

Comment Re:You're still getting what you were promised (Score 1) 354

I find it odd that you don't even say whether the delay was in mailing or processing, though you could surely tell. They send a receipt notice and a ship notice. What was the delay from their ship to your receipt? I think in some situations netflix is at the mercy of your local mail processing. You should have called up your postmaster and complained. And the US mail is not doing so hot recently, and often that is worse in big cities than in suburbs or cities near but separate from big ones. Netflix rarely misses a 2-day turnaround for me and I noticed the saturday thing pretty quickly because of this.

Comment Re:LED Lightbulbs Re:user error (Score 1) 710

Maybe the prices are different in different regions? When I was at Lowe's a couple of weeks ago, LEDs cost almost 10x as much and use more than half as much power as a CFL and last maybe twice as long. That just doesn't work out. I would like to switch to LED, but it's still too expensive. Maybe you are comparing to lower-light-output LEDs or ones that have bad light distribution, which is not a fair comparison. Also, as other posters point out, I don't think halogen means what you think it means.

Comment Re:"Rigorous" peer-review ahahahahahaha (Score 0) 61

Um, you realize that Nature is a magazine, not a journal right? Yes they have peer review but they have a heavy vested interest in publishing exciting-but-possibly-wrong stuff, which they do all the time.

And if results were simply fabricated, peer review can't always catch that as others have said. Though sometimes it is obvious if someone is suddenly able to do something that others have been trying to do but failed, but they can't show WHY it worked for them and not for anyone else. Sometimes quality professional journals, especially in experimental sciences, will have higher peer review standards in that direction than a headline-oriented magazine like Nature.

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