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Comment Re:As the man says... (Score 1) 126

All helmets follow the exact same safety testing, and must comply with those tests to be sold. The only difference between a $400 helmet, and a $4000 one, is teh comfort level, name brand recognition, and amenities (built in communications, bluetooth etc) So yes, a cheap helmet will protect your cheap head just as much as the expensive helmet will. And considering helmets are 1 time impact, cheap comfy helmets are the best bet. example, knock it off the table and it hits the ground.. time for a new helmet.

Comment Re:It Depends (Score 3, Interesting) 348

I disagree. The border is just one aspect, and your typical threats tend to be the result of intentional stupidity (employee systems), or internal maliciousness (soon to be ex employee). A border firewall will not help in this particular case. Additionally, depending on the users access, no firewall may help. My preference, is typically to setup every server with a default deny, permit IPSEC traffic only to and from the support components on the internal network. Then obviously open the business requirements to provide a server. Example, a Web server that connects to a DB and image processing server, port 80/443 open from external to DMZ web server (DMZ and Application zones are separate), all other incoming ports from external are blocked, your border router can cover this. Internally, default deny to everything, permit IPSEC, between Web Server, DB and Image processing server, as well as terminal/jump servers. Tunnel all communications over IPSEC between the servers. In that way, man in the middle attacks become almost impossible, there is no sniffing traffic if a user manages to get local segment access, If the system is compromised in some way (SQL injection, etc, assuming the services are not running as administrator), the servers cannot be used as a jump point to other servers and components in the network, and vice versa.... Call me paranoid.. but that is how I do things. Also, there is no additional cost (except system overhead, and that can be compensated for by crypto cards, or the new Intel AES CPU instruction sets on their current gen Xeons, and I am sure other procs) to running IPSec, it has been included on every Windows server since 2003, and for Unix, Raccoon is free and works just fine.

Comment Translation (Score 3, Insightful) 143

Geoff Taylor, chief executive of music trade body the BPI, said VCAP was about "persuading the persuadable, such as parents who do not know what is going on with their net connection." He added: "VCAP is not about denying access to the internet. It's about changing attitudes and raising awareness so people can make the right choice."

We could not get file sharers drawn and quartered, so we are going to spin the decision that we fought kicking and screaming to our advantage and make us look better than we really are.

Comment Re:Answer needed (Score 1) 390

How about to make their fucking customers happy. I pay Verizon (because my only other choice is Comcast, and I hate them more). I request a service, I expect my provider to give me access to this service. Netflix pays L3, L3 is their service provider. Service providers peer, that is the way the internet has always worked.

Comment It's not just Netflix that is suffering though (Score 2) 390

I have FIOS... Yes my Netflix performance is piss poor, but so are the connections to other services that just happen to use the same transit providers as Netflix.

Particularly the VPS providers that I was using (I just switched due to the latency). I have 2 VPS providers, 1 in Reston, 1 in the UK. The one in Reston is just down the street from Verizons datacenter (used to be UUNET), but the provider to the VPS company I use was Cogent, heavy latency right at the peering point.

Of course, Verizon likes to blame Netflix for picking crappy transit providers, but had it been Company XYZ instead of L3 and Cogent, Verizon would have done the exact same thing to XYZ and let the peers saturate.

I did manage to switch to a different VPS that does not use Cogent or L3, and I have consistent low transit times, which I use as a VPN endpoint. Seems to do the trick (I have been doing this long before any people started publicizing using VPN's to get around Verizon and Comcasts shenanigans, mostly to keep Verizons prying eyes from monetizing my internet behavior, not to keep gov spying eyes out. If VZ wants to pay me [no, not give me a discount on already overpriced service, but give me cold hard cash] for my browsing and internet habits, then I will more than be happy to let them snoop)

Comment Re:When will this stop being news? (Score 1) 207

They could have handled it better. Yes they have to protect their brand. No they do not have to use C&D and lawsuits to do it. The link you even posted specifies that legal action is not required.

There are many ways to protect a brand. Ikea could have easily approached the site to add disclaimers, or offer to sponsor the site in exchange for removing advertising, or ask them to at least change the colors and fonts to be less Ikea like.

Not saying they (Ikea) were wrong, even the sites operator realized that, what we are saying, is don't be an asshole about it, especially since there are some projects on teh site that resulted in sales. At least for me, there are some products I would never have even considered (the Lack for example as I mentioned earlier) had it not been for hacks and alternative use options.

Now, I will not be shopping at Ikea if I can avoid it (I have a wife, avoidance might be an issue)

Comment Re:Confusion? Really? (Score 1) 207

Your response is a little angry to a generic statement. That said, regardless of the percentage, or how small it is, that is still an additional sale.

While I shop at ikea (okay so I am forced to by my wife) for some things, a move like this will actually make me think twice about it. Now they will have to generate stats on lost sales due to their handling of this situation.

An example was the Lack series of products, conveniently 19 inches between the legs, perfect for a rack mount server (after beefing up the legs a little). Had it not been for that hack, I would never have even considered purchasing that series of item.

Comment Re:I have both (Score 4, Interesting) 364

I disagree, I do have FIOS, and I get shitty quality streaming for Netflix, HD streams keep buffering or falling back to SD quality.

When I change my fios gateway VPN connection to force all traffic over my VPS, suddenly everything works just peachy (except my xbox live since I do not run miniupnpd on my vpn gateway).

I have a perpetual VPN connection open, that only routes traffic to certain countries through my VPN, all other traffic defaults through my verizon connection (unless I change the config and disable split tunneling)

Comment Re:Real Comments (Score 0, Redundant) 144

The problem, is that if you look at the comments (I posted this earlier, so this will be redundant), the posters are in alphabetical order, but the default sort order is by posted date, which means a poorly coded script did the posting, and did not even randomize the names.

It makes no difference if it was a Website setup so people can just fill in there info and the system will automatically post to the FCC site, the fact is, the FCC will look at those comments, and possibly invalidate all of them.

Also, each and every one of those comments has a very similar tone, as if the same person wrote many of them and tried to pretend to be a different person.

Comment Re:They're not trolls (Score 2) 144

Unfortunately, I feel that the current selection of comments are doing more harm then good.

A recent search for 14-28 shows many similar letters, and what appears to names in an alphabetical order. The FCC site does not sort by alpha, but rather by date posted.

Some wrote a very bad script to auto post a very similar collection of statements. The FCC is only going to see that, and ignore them, and worse, the ISP's who are dead set against NT or Title II will use that as cannon fodder to sway peoples opinion, and make us look like a bunch of idiots.

Comment Re:Automotive (Score 1) 158

I completely agree.

2 weeks ago, I changed my oil (any tool can do that), changed my transmission fluid (not so easy anymore, requires diagnostics software, and not just a code reader, and some wrenching know how, at least on MB current models), Diagnosed secondary air injection failure (requires lots of mechanical know how, fix coming later when I get the parts), replacing AC blower (somewhat easy).

Point being, most IT, assuming they are analytical in thinking, can easily transition to pretty much any job. Cars are just a giant puzzle, find the broken widget, replace and assemble in opposite order of dis assembly.

And if you think I am tinkering around on a cheap beige mobile, you would be wrong. I have ripped apart half the engine on my AMG C63. The worst part is the cost of the tools though, that shit is pricey.

Comment Re:Separate Hardware from Services (Score 2) 286

I have always like this idea.

Or to take it a little further, the local gov wires from a main switching hub/CO to all the residences in the area, then ISP's wire up to the hubs/CO's, and lease access to the residences. That similar to DSL style, but with fiber instead of copper, and the telco's do not own the last mile.

That last mile is what allows companies to hold us hostage. They can argue all they want that they paid to wire of the streets, poles and houses, but the reality is, they all received massive tax breaks and subsidies from the local and state governments to do that in the first place, and it has already paid itself off.

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