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Comment Not New.... (Score 1) 117

You have been able to get a free license for over a year now. Just sign up for one and select "personal" for the use and you get a free license emailed to you.

So now they have a generic license that you dont have to request.

Comment Re:Using a Firearm According to the Supreme Court (Score 0) 215

Drug traffickers like most other criminals are pretty darn stupid. The smart ones the cops never catch, because honestly the police are not the brightest. If the police hired smart people, they would question laws they are told to enforce and refuse to enforce the ones they thought were unjust... and we cant have that.

Comment Re:Needs a Sammich (Score -1, Troll) 120

Yep. I would rather have a tablet the size of the 1st gen ipad that had 2X the battery so it could go 30 hours straight.

Problem is most americans are getting weaker and weaker so they need to make things lighter. The number of people that cant believe I carry around a 17" laptop, "Oh it's soooo heavy"....

Everyone a frail waif that can barely carry their own body weight.

Comment Re:This is why I quit web programming (Score 2) 83

"No, the truth of the matter is in your first paragraph. Designing and building a car is not easy."

Maybe to dumb people it's not easy. to the rest of us... yes it really is easy. It's a well defined and massively repeated process. An engine is trivial, a car suspension is trivial. a whole car is trivial.

When you add shit to it for the sake of adding shit.. That is when it get's complex. No I dont need a computer on my brakes. a computer to the side of my brakes looking for slipping and trigger a modulation piston to give me anti-lock? Sure. but if the computer fails, I will have brakes.

Idiot designers want to put the computer in the middle so all braking is done by the computer. When it fails you have no brakes.

Comment Re:BMW software sucks big time. (Score 1) 83

Which is funny because my 2007 BMW X3 connected with everything including nexus 4 HTC M8 etc...

The problem is BMW is pulling a GM and having their own people make the electronics now and they suck at it. the older Telematics modules were far better, same as the becker/alpine radio systems.

Comment Moral of the story.... (Score 2) 83

Everything is hackable... OnStar that has been in millions of GM cars is just as hackable using the EXACT SAME TECHNIQUES.

So if you have a portable cellsite that can spoof a cellular tower the device is looking for, you man in the middle it.

Nothing new here except that a bonehead in programming the whole system is using the same key over and over to make his job easier.

Comment HUH? (Score 1) 157

Sorry but my BMW has had an ethernet backbone inside it for years. My ODB-II connector has pins used for ethernet connection for programming and coding.

It seems the article writer has zero education about modern cars. Oh and "proven security" called isolated networks are just fine.

The Telecommunications module can easily be a 2 part box that has a second processor specific for system updates. Telcom side downloads the file, update side looks at the file in the flash storage and checks not only it's checksum but also decrypt it using the vehicle's VIN number. Then does a handshake to verify with the manufacturers server that the file is good by asking for a hash of the contents encrypted with the vehicles vin number. If it get's the answer back that it is OK. we are golden. That way anything downloaded must be specific for that vehicle and will stop 99% of all hackers as well as ensure that an update that is not for that vehicle will not get applied. Then it copies the decrypted files into the updater system and does the update to Secondary flash. That way if things go sideways it can simply revert to the last running good and send back a "fail" to the manufacturer.

This crap is not hard and you do NOT need firewalls and other shit cluttering up the vehicles systems.

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