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Comment Re:You? Why TF should they care about YOU? (Score 0, Troll) 221

Anyone that still believes Right and Left are limited to donkey and elephant is ignorant. More government or less government - there's your right and left.

Also, did you check into why Republicans might have voted against certain tax breaks? Knowing what I know about recent bills Democrats have wanted passed, it probably contained a line requiring all financial transactions over $600 to include a 1099 or something equally outrageous.

Oh wait wut?

Comment Re:Punish results, not behavior (Score 1) 709

Idiotic. There are millions of things that could kill you on the road. Citing this particular instance as a reason to restrict liberty is moronic. Obviously we're not "letting the problem happen", and no one WANTS people to crash their car. You just have to understand that in a society based on liberty, you take some fucking risk.

We need to ban alcohol again? Because when I get hit and killed by a drunk driver, I'll be sure to haunt you.

Comment No different than any other vice. (Score 1) 96

This is no different than spending money on movies or booze or enjoyment in general. What do you get when you pay $15 to go see a movie? Typically sticky shoes and the memory of a lousy movie. What do you get when you buy a $15 bottle of booze? Frequent trips to the bathroom?

It's all about what you find enjoyable. Spend money on entertainment any way you wish, IMO. It all costs real money, and is worth what you feel it to be worth.


Girl Quits On Dry Erase Board a Hoax 147

suraj.sun writes "It's the same old story: young woman quits, uses dry erase board and series of pictures to let entire office know the boss is a sexist pig, exposes his love of playing FarmVille during work hours." Story seem too good to be true? It probably is, at least according to writer Peter Kafka. Even so, Jay Leno and Good Morning America have already reached out to "Jenny."

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