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Comment Re:What the ****? (Score 0) 319

Thomas Jefferson: "God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. ... And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure."

This is the blood lost. The school people were tyrants, and they were trying to gain their rights back. A few people got hurt. Boo Hoo. Good for them. Let them jack off in their office. Human nature has people interested in finding the truth, which is not always what is taught in schools these days. They try to make us believe that we have no rights as minors, and we sit prettily, ignoring the blatently obvious fact of the matter that we do have rights. I use a school computer to exercize my right to freedom of speech. I have every right to. And yet, they try to tell me to keep off of Slashdot even on my own computer. Would you believe that they tried hacking into my computer via SSH? Failed, but they guessed my password for a different user.

The school system doesn't have the right to restrict freedom of speech, because they don't own jack. The people who own the schools "property" are the people who pay the taxes to fund the institutions of hell. Not them. They have no right to forbid us from our rights on or off of school property.

I know I am right, and any attempt to say otherwise will be debated to wits end until you realize your errors. I am willing to defend the truth that all men are created. According to Jason Lewis, Freedom of Speech was brought into the equasion specially to insult, and yet they are saying you don't have such a right? What a bunch of moronic bastards.

Comment Re:Yarrrr... (Score 0) 572

: The constitution does not restrict rights based on age, except those to vote for those who get into office and the right to run for said offices. It is a violation of a fundamental purpose of the constitution "That all men are created equally" Seriously. What difference does it make that we are young? Deny us the rights you have said to forbid us, but don't give us rights like you give carrots to a horse. Actually give the carrot to the horse, not dangle it in their face.

Comment What the ****? (Score 0) 319

A person has every right to the freedom of speach. Damn it. The right to dicipline never made it to the constitution. The constitution is the highest law of all in their jurisdiction, and mine too. So they have the right to freedom of speach. Just like Robin of Locksley was told, "Kings will rise again until sheep become lions". Is there not a modern day society that reconizes this fact? Eventually, someone will get pissed off enough to start a revolution. I will not be afraid to be that person.

Comment So Special (Score 0) 534

I can spell too. I know the english language well enough to communicate my thoughts across, except in certain fields where few words exist and the reverse dictionary lookups don't work for me. Who cares that they have the ability to spell any word in the english language, no matter where it came from? Yes I know I can spell a majority of the language, but I have better things to do than study the fucked up book called the dictionary. I don't need spelling in my future career choices. I can write an essay (with 5 days notice), I can write a resume (no bull). What really counts in this world? Money. Being able to spell something is only a slight advantage. It astounds me that people are willing to work every day on learning words when they will only use 20-30 thousand of them on a normal basis.

Comment Re:Sure I've paid for them... (Score 0) 572

It's not fair. What it is is ignorant. You aren't paying for the movie when you go to the theater. Your paying for the atmosphere. Please don't respond with a list of reason the theater atmosphere sucks. If that was the case, then don't go.

But you pay for the right to see that movie. Does it end when the movie ends?

I don't even understand your last line.

She's a pretty girl

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