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Comment Re:c++? (Score 2, Informative) 407

Objective-C is an ugly, clunky language, and the only reason Apple uses it is to intentionally make your code incompatible with other platforms.

Actually, they use it for its dynamic binding and loading, but don't let facts get in the way of your FUD!

That and C++ was horribly immature at a time when Objective-C was not and the Next guys were developing NextStep.

Comment Several Ph.D.s? (Score 3, Insightful) 136

> but to actually understand what it means would require several Ph.D.s and a thorough understanding of quantum physics

No, just some understanding of statistics and calculus up to tensors along with an ability to know why you know something rather than just knowing things.

When we make out relatively simple things (like quantum physics) to be complex, when in fact they are just strange we do a disservice to those who might otherwise put in the effort to understand.

Comment Re:Deja vu all over again (Score 2) 112

Just FYI...

ARM is based on RISC architecture

The 1980s called and they want their reference architectures back.
RISC ceased to be a thing that meant anything useful for high performance CPU architecture sometime between 1990 and 1995. The Huffman like encoding of CISC instructions is certainly more beneficial for performance than the benefits of a 'simpler' instruction format which take twice the instruction bandwidth to do the same thing.

Comment Re:this is one more reason (Score 3, Insightful) 136

There is no reason what so ever that any government should get involved in peoples personal financial decisions

Last I heard, mega was a business. The banks terminated their business dealings with mega.

Banks do business with their customers who do things like tell the bank to give X dollars to business Y. The bank's aren't doing business with MEGA, they are doing business with their customers.

Comment Re:Just (Score 1) 163

But that's just where the usefulness ends. Sure, you now appreciate rock music, but can you play it in real life on real instruments? Millions of kids bought Guitar Hero and Rock Band to realize their dreams of actually becoming ROCK MUSICIANS. Sadly, all the games do is to train you to press colored buttons in sequence with colored lights. Those skills are not transferable to real instruments, and in fact, won't even get you an audition.

Yes, as a matter of fact I can play it on a real instrument, provided that you consider an electronic drumset "real". (And I don't mean the toy drums designed for Rock Band: I use a low end Yamaha set. I have neighbors who would not appreciate the volume of a normal drumset, so this is the best I can do.) The same drumset that I play as a standalone instrument is also my controller for Rock Band 3, thanks to a $20 MIDI adapter.

I'll never be a great drummer--I'm passable at best, and don't have the drive to improve beyond that--but I did develop some of my early skills using Rock Band games.

So how are the electronic drums? Same problem, we want drums but can't have the noise. Are these a reasonable substitute? Would they work for home studio recording? We've seen them in the store, but dropping $500 on something that might be horrible doesn't sound like a plan.

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