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Comment Re:I have an idea (Score 1) 174

> an attacker will only be able to manipulate the content of some environment variable, but not its name.

How can this be true?

I just tried and successfully passed the variable "_BASH_FUNC_thingy" with the value "my_attack" through my apache web server to a CGI script using a url entered into a browser.

Comment Re:It's sad (Score 1) 427

>So you're saying it's a case of, "Google, products so good you need to be forced to use them?"

No. I'm saying the other stuff other manufacturers put on phones is a lot worse.

If they can make something lots better, then that alters the equation. Hence Tizen, Meego etc. I'm not holding my breath.

Comment Re:It's sad (Score 1) 427

That forcing Google apps discourages OEM bloat is simply an assumption.

No. OEM bloat is directly tied to shipping old version of Android. The OEM bloat takes time to build and test and qualify for release. Thus this happens on an earlier version of Android. While the development is taking place, Android is moving on too.

If you take the vanilla Android, you can release a much more up-to-date version, since you don't need 6 months to 1 year to update and requalify your bloatware with the new version of Android. This is pretty much the value proposition of Nexus over any other brand.

Comment Limited coding isn't everyone's goal (Score 2) 69

Building complex apps without coding doesn't seem like a useful goal. At some point you have to express the program logic and coding has always proven to be the best way.

The dividing line between graphical tool and actual code seems to have been a shifting one over the years. So when you go to a new environment or language where there's a substantial GUI component to building an app, the desire to see it all in code is strong. What actually happens when you add that button? I expect to be able to do it either through code of GUI and if they can't tell me what the GUI did in code, then I'm left clueless as to the underpinnings and so it becomes hard to think through the implications of design decisions.

I tried Swift recently. Swift was easy enough. But Swift+Xcode was impenetrable.

Comment Re:It's sad (Score 5, Insightful) 427

When a company moves from innovating to abusing its market share, it's usually not a good sign.

Except when you get a phone with an old version of Android and loads of proprietary bloatware 'innovation' the phone sucks in ways it would not suck if it just had the up-to-date integrated Google app suite and android versions.

In this instance, the more Google succeeds, the better the products are.

Comment Re:Commands lines (Score 1) 250

Agreed. My primary bitching is about the default state of the gnome screen when you install a system. There isn't anywhere to type. There isn't anything to click on. You have to know arcane things to get it to go away.

I don't get that with KDE, XFCE, FVWM or anything else I've used on and off over the past 30 years.

Comment Re:This exposes systemic insecurities (Score 1) 318

Yup. The web server passing input to shell scripts via environment variables is lore that was put in place with the earliest cern web servers and it should have been killed and put to sleep a long time ago.

However the bash shell executing environment variables on the way in is worse.

The equivalent in python would be like putting this at the top of every python CGI script:
untrusted_input = cgi.FieldStorage()
for k in untrusted_input.keys:

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