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Comment Re:Any technologically savvy want to enlighten me? (Score 1) 132

There was some untapped optimization-fu. Its called JIT. See, google wrote Dalvik, not to be faster than standard java, but to enable a bunch of multi-process memory sharing techniques that aren't possible with standard java. What they didn't do is ever implement a just in time compiler. In fact in ever test done, Dalvik performs as well as Sun Java without JIT enabled, which is vastly slower than with JIT. Their comment at the time was that "maybe we'll implement JIT for Dalvik 2.0". Assuming Dalvik 2.0 came with android 2.0, that didn't happen.

These guys probably tacked on a JIT, and good for them. It needs it.

Comment Re:Easier? (Score 1) 315

Objective-C and C# use different OO models. C#, like Java, is a strictly typed, statically bound language. Objective-C is a dynamically bound, loosely typed OO layer on top of C (though not as loose as languages like Python and Ruby). Which is better depends on what school of programming you come from. There are techniques to make simpler and more dynamic designs in Objective-C, while the predictability of static languages allows more errors to be caught at runtime and IDEs to do more work for you in C#.

Comment How is this new? (Score 1) 164

It effectively already did this, at least on any handset/provider that lets you specify the forward number for unanswered calls. I put my GV number in as that number, and configured GV to go straight to voicemail. Combined with the GV app for android, I get a nice visual voicemail like interface along with transcription.

How is what google is promoting at all new?

Comment Re:Perl has died in industry. (Score 4, Interesting) 235

Ok, I actually do use perl professionally, but even I realize there are some serious problems with it. The reality is a middle ground between you and the grandparent.

But we also expected we'd have that around 2005.

You were expecting it the same year the very first implementation (Pugs) was started? That was silly of you.

Pugs was started in 2005 as an attempt to inject life into what looked like a dying project. The language spec started in 2000. In five years they hadn't nailed it down. In ten years there still isn't a working implementation.

It's nearly 2010, and we still don't see much real progress on that front. Rakudo just isn't a production-grade product yet.

Unless lives are at risk, Rakudo is stable enough for production (although you may want to wait for the April "Rakudo Star" release).

That is EXTREMELY wishful thinking. It may have changed in the last couple months, but I tried this perl 6 code out earlier in the summer:

my $blah = "blah";
$blah = $blah.reverse;
print $blah;

and that SIMPLE code resulted in an infinite recursion error.

I'm sad to admit it, but instead of waiting for incremental Perl 5 releases for the next decade until Perl 6 is finally mature enough

Perl 6 != Perl 5. They are two VERY different languages. Perl 5 and 6 will continue to be maintained in parallel.

Perl 5 has problems inherent with the language that inhibit large scale use, and this is coming from someone who works on a multi-million line perl 5 project. Recent frameworks have tried to address the problems by grafting perl6 like features onto perl5, but they always impact performance, and are never perfect. And goddammit, I've still found no way around the broken behavior of the SUPER keyword.

until Perl 6 is finally mature enough, the company I'm with has started to migrate from Perl to Python.

You're complaining about maturity and yet you're using Python?

Unlike the Perl community, the Python community has shown with Python 3 that they're capable of working together to create a major release with many new features in a relatively short amount of time (especially compared to the Perl 6 effort).

Perl 6 has many, many more changes than Python 3. It is an entire rewrite of the language from the ground up, they didn't just change the print statement to a function and call it a day.

Rewriting our approximately 3 million lines of Perl code into Python has actually gone reasonably well.

That would have been what, 6 million lines in Python? Now I know you're trolling.

You're being a bit unfair to Python. I'm not a huge fan of the language (if I had to move anywhere it'd be ruby), but python 3 while it didn't change much in the language itself, was a huge boost in performance to the interpreter. There are incremental changes happening to the perl5 interpreter, but nothing major structural can, because the codebase just isn't very maintainable. In fact that was one of the main reasons they decided to scrap it and develop parrot from scratch instead of working from the perl5 base. Try embedding the python interpreter and the perl5 interpreter in a C program, see which one has internals that make more sense.

Not to mention that python is immensely more parsable. There are identical python interpreters in C, on the JVM, and on the CLR. Its been said that the only thing that can parse perl5 is perl5, and that is evidenced by the fact that the parrot project gave up on implementing a perl5 parser.

That's not to say there aren't things python does wrong. Every time there's a point release it seems everyone's code completely breaks, while perl5 is backward compatible to perl1. And frankly, I hate significant whitespace, but that's a personal preference.

Regardess things are not completely happy in the perl world.

Comment Re:This is will never fly in the courts (Score 2, Informative) 395

If you're referring to the subway, not Metro North, then no, there isn't a schedule. Trains run every 8 minutes. If they were to try and make a schedule with 8 minute intervals, any delays (which are inevitable, its a huge system) would quickly throw that out of what completely. Instead of late trains waiting for the next 8 minute interval, they just leave as soon as they can. New Yorkers know that if you miss a train, the next one isn't that far off.

If you are talking about Metro North like they were in the article, then you weren't looking hard enough. Grand Central has big lit up boards with all the schedules, and pampheletes all over the place. Those trains run once an hour. There a schedule is necessary. With the subway, not so much.

Comment Re:This is a patent I can get behind (Score 1) 191

The REST model is probably a good thing, but HTTP doesn't type your parameters, doesn't allow datastructures more complex than key value pairs, and doesn't do input validation. In most cases where I've seen people using HTTP as a REST mechanism, they end up needing complex data, and end up sending ... *drumroll* ... blocks of XML! Unspec'd, incompatible, app specific XML layouts. SOAP isn't the answer, but it solved some problems very well that HTTP doesn't even approach.

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