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Comment Re:All of those studies are the same (Score 2) 380

I should also point out that geeks are not limited to computer geeks. There are all kinds of geeks: science geeks, math geeks, business geeks, political geeks, law geeks, medical geeks, car geeks, bike geeks, boat geeks, martial arts geeks, sports geeks etc... The best people in their fields are typically geeks of one kind or another. Being a geek is not about the subject matter, it is about the approach.

Comment Re:All of those studies are the same (Score 1) 380

IQ measures problem solving ability, various forms of reasoning, linguistic ability, and (sometimes) general knowledge. People who really understand something (a.k.a geeks) have tremendous reasoning and problem solving abilities compared to the average person. They have invested significant amounts of time and energy into ordering their minds, when lends itself to doing well on IQ tests. Geeks are also curious individuals, so they tend to be more informed than most. Naturally, geeks will do better on IQ tests than your average citizen. But if you're still skeptical I could try to convince somebody to perform a study.

Comment What I do (Score 1) 283

Now that I am no longer a student, I'm committed to purchasing all my books provided they can be found in electronic form from a legitimate source. I want to reward good authors, however, there is simply no reason for me to want to buy dead trees anymore - they take up too much space and I already have shelves full of them. If publishers want to make more money off of me then they should redouble their efforts to publish (or republish) everything electronically.

Comment Re:Warning, not exactly objective research here (Score 1) 381

We share the cost of military, police, travel, environmental protections, parks, fire and emergency services, medical services, governance, schools, utilities, and methods of information dissemination (postal services, libraries). Oh, and public defenders.

Exactly, if all of those services suddenly disappeared overnight we would find ourselves invaded, crime ridden, diseased, uneducated, and on fire. It's hard for people living in this day and age to fully appreciate just how important our public services are and why they need to be protected.

Comment Re:Responsible? (Score 1) 358

...a few deaf parents who are stuck in their ways and want to sign with their children...

Sorry, this should read "...a few deaf parents who are stuck in their ways and ONLY want to sign with their children...". Naturally, in Ontario we prefer that hard of hearing children of deaf parents are bilingual, so that they can communicate with their parents and with the rest of society =)

Comment Re:Responsible? (Score 1) 358

My mother works as a home-visiting teacher for deaf and hard of hearing children in Ontario. Many hearing parents, who just are simply unfortunate to have a deaf child, want their children to have cochlear implants and lead relatively normal lives. There are, however, a few deaf parents who are stuck in their ways and want to sign with their children, but this is on the decline as the technology has gotten better, cheaper, and the benefits of having (mostly) hearing children have been made plainly obvious.

Comment Re:And we know this because...? (Score 1) 473

Science never has everything figured out. You should be skeptical of science. But most arguments I've seen against global warming have nothing to do with healthy skepticism; they generally use made up evidence or faulty reasoning. In any case, we will need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions no matter what, because fossil fuels will not last forever. The only question is how quickly should we reduce them. Personally, I think it makes sense to reduce fossil fuel now use simply to reduce demand and avoid energy prices spiraling out of control...

Not to mention that burning petroleum is such a terrible waste since it's far better used to create things like plastics, fertilizers,and pharmaceuticals.

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