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Comment Re:Oxymoron (Score 1) 126

Why do you feel entitled to dump your FUD on my community?

This wasn't meant as FUD, just good natured jibing. Relax :D

Perl isn't the most popular choice but there's a lot of us making a decent living at it, so please if you don't get it, or you don't like it, unless you have a grudge with Perl that hasn't already been mentioned 100K times what's the point of saying anything at all?

I don't doubt it. I have no hate for Perl, I was joking. Notice how many qualifies I put on my statements? It was just the first thing that popped into my head when I read a slashdot headline, no biggie.

Comment Oxymoron (Score 1, Insightful) 126

Ok, I know I'll get modded down to oblivion for this, but my first thought on reading the headline was "Modern Perl Web Framework, isn't that an oxymoron?" Any others think that as a reflex at first too? Even if you don't really believe it?

I know I used to love Perl, but that was a long time ago...

Comment Re:Is it so outlandish? (Score 1) 323

Well if we are using sperm and egg then we really need to develop robot parents that have strong AI modelled after ourselves to take care of the children and raise them as best they can. Send along all the accumulated knowledge we can, and hope for the best. Long term they probably wouldn't turn out too much different from ourselves. Even if the first few generations were really messed up.

Comment Re:thank you Snowden (Score 1) 348

I'd liken this to the difference between the immune system and a cancer.

  There are legitimate activities undertaken by the FBI daily. Such examples as child porn, kidnapping, and other Federal law enforcement duties. I think of these as being more like the immune system.

There are other activities the FBI engages in like entrapment of mentally deficient individuals into terror "plots" where they convince some nearly retarded guy that he's got a truck full of explosives, and to drive them into a sensitive target. This is more like cancer.

I'd liken that more to AIDS...

Comment People who are under the influence (Score 1) 437

A common thing that people claim is that this will reduce accidents caused by drunk drivers... I would trust my son or daughter to drive more then I would trust myself to drive drunk.. As I would trust a autonomous car to drive us better then either of us.

Now what really concerns me is what if the computer of a driverless car is under the influence of ethanol? :P

Comment Re:I propose a test ... (Score 1) 167

More likely scenario: It would cease acceleration and break at a speed and accuracy you could only dream of and pull into the pocket behind the truck or family and match the speed of the truck exactly enough to slowly pull away from its bumper. A maneuver that not within the abilities of your average human driver. (Though I'm sure there are some stunt drivers who could handle it.)

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