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Comment Re:I also have an opinion! (Score 1) 488

I'm far more NERD RAGEd about the recent change to the web-interface for finding instant-view titles, or more specifically, the callous response by execs when the negative reception was brought to their attention.

You hit it dead-on. They nerfed the PS3 interface as well, and are stubbornly sticking to it despite the negative reception. Unfortunately on PS3 the API is not available, you have to use the horrid new interface. What makes the least sense - if the old interfaces were already complete, why not just let users choose which interface they want? This ordeal reeks of apple-esque "controlling the user experience".


Submission + - Variable Focus Images (nytimes.com)

ldbapp writes: "The company’s technology allows a picture’s focus to be adjusted after it is taken. While viewing a picture taken with a Lytro camera on a computer screen, you can, for example, click to bring people in the foreground into sharp relief, or switch the focus to the mountains behind them."

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