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Comment Just like in my personal life... (Score 3, Interesting) 334

...there is no fairy godmother gonna make it all alright.

The situation is very simple: The probability of all life being extinguished on Earth in the next 2 ish billion years is 100%. If we want to survive beyond that we need to get off planet. Earh is 4.5 billion year old. Talk of cost is ridiculous: I can fly from UK to US for less than one day's wages (on a good day) and I'm just a regular guy. 500 years ago it took the lifetime's savings of a wealthy man to make the same journey. It is ALL about energy. Once we have a reliable means of providing it on a sun-scale then we can do anything we want. We evolved to an understanding of relativity and quantum mechanics in a few million years, why the hell shouldn't we make a few more steps, given the same time again?

Comment Re:Not surprising at all. (Score 1) 250

Not a single song has ever been deleted from either my Winphone or my Nexus tab from either my Windows or Linux Boxen (either to either) ever, that I didn't request myself to be deleted, ever. The Kindle is still a good enough product that I will put up with Google's shitty behaviour for now but the iPod is so passe that I don't need to put up with Apple's douchebaggery any more.

Comment Not a Story: Logistics (Score 1) 2

The first batch of product to market is sent by airfreight, which is expensive so you only send enough to satisfy a reasonable portion of the initial demand. Later, the product is sent by surface (ship) in larger quantities so there are more available and the supply/demand economics can start to kick in.

Comment Re:Bose is overpriced crap and always has been (Score 1) 328

They have some nice niche products not related to the noise-cancelling tech. I used to travel a lot for work and a pair of these made life a little more comfortable; you can't wear headphones all the time. They are expensive and the sound is quite coloured, but the bass and the volume you get from such a tiny thing is impressive. I had an equaliser setting saved in iTunes to flatten them out a bit.

Comment Re:Some physiologists (Score 3, Interesting) 254


Also, whoever does finally break two hours is going to be an outlier on all of the charts, so looking at averages of statistical samples isn't going to help.

For example in my own case: I'm 49 and I ran 2:57 this year, which puts me in the top 2.5% overall and 1% for my age. For me to run my best I need a day temperature of around 60F so I'm way off that particular chart.

I also disagree with the idea that a flat course is necessarily the fastest. Of course you don't want mountains, but some small changes of gradient can allow changes in muscle usage leading to reduction of fatigue. I've run both Hamburg and Berlin several times; I find the slightly more undulating Hamburg to be noticably easier than Berlin.

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