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Comment Re:Time to move on - agree (Score 2, Interesting) 164

It never could! In order to get Nixon to sign off on the Shuttle Program, NASA promised a launch of every three weeks -- something they knew full well would never happen. While it was reusable (well, the orbiter and the boosters anyway), it really was meant to work with a space station -- that is, Skylab. But it wasn't ready in time, so we sat out of space for years.
Now we have a new station that took way longer to build than we expected, which they want to deorbit soon. Frustrating!

IMO, the US should have run a long-term successor to Apollo from the end of the Apollo Applications Program (read: Skylab + Apollo/Soyuz) with the goal of setting up a permanent base on the moon with an eye on a sucessor for Mars.

But, as when you live in a house for too long (or have a job for too long), you stop being objective and stop planning for the far future. This is how we got where we are today -- a NASA that does somethings brilliantly and others not so much.

Comment Re:Bede bede bede - say what? (Score 1) 342

Actually, they had the Apollo-child angle in the episodes where Apollo is dealing with the black market. It just went down differently.
The casino planet's analogue in the new series was New Caprica. The idea (almost losing again, sneak attack by the Battlestar(s), the destruction of the base ship) is all there.
Baltar *never* led the Cylons, he was just a basestar commander. In the new series, he likewise was a Cylon agent of the destruction of the colonies and something more dangerous than a basestar commander.
Red Eye's analogue in the new series is probably Scar, though the duel is in space and it doesn't involve Apollo.
Count Iblis...okay, you've got me there. :-)

So...yeah pretty much everything. Just differently.

Comment Re:Bede bede bede - say what? (Score 2, Interesting) 342

I'm with you on the most of your points, but the 70's Battlestar Galactica & the 00's Galactica are the same show exactly the same way the 1974 Three Musketeers and the 1993 Three Musketeers are the same movie. Or compare Mel Gibson's Hamlet to Kenneth Branagh's, or 1984's DUNE to the recent Sci-Fi. Things happen a little differently, but each one is a fair representation of itself.

To say that re-imagining is crap is to say that any story that is redone is automatically inferior to it's predecessor. Which I don't buy, because (who knows?) some day we might even get a version of Blake's 7 with good production values!

Did the new BSG go into territory the original didn't? Well yes, some. But *everything* that happened in the original series happened in the new one, which I give Sci-Fi kudos for. (Ok, excepting for the daggits or flying motorcycles...)

Comment Only the original Apollo 11 tapes are lost! (Score 1) 173

NASA still has the originals for Apollo 12, 14, 15, 16, & 17. (13 of course didn't get to land on the moon). They're at the Johnson Space Center's Informational Resources Directorate's video vault in Houston. http://www.physorg.com/news74962441.html/

...I don't see any conspiracy theorists tryng to discredit the other five landings.

Comment Simple.... (c) 1791 (Score 1) 151

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

...That should about cover it. Ho modeled VietNam's Constitution on the USA's, there's no reason Nepal can't borrow a bit.

Comment Two that probably no one has read (Score 1) 451

Science Since 1500 by H.T. Pledge
More of a philsophical work than pure science per se, the book puts biology, chemistry, math and physics together and discusses each in relation to the other as well in terms of history and application.

Ten Books on Architecture by Vitruvius
All about ancient architecture and how to build arches, domes, baths, pillared buildings, etc with Roman technology and building techniques.

Comment Doesn't it strike anyone as odd that (Score 4, Interesting) 319

Not only has this not been reported by any mainstream media source (AP/UPI/Reuters) or in any news source of record (WSJ, NY Times, et al), but that it's not listed on the Senate's website? Or that the PDF is a blank template without any names on it?

Methinks \. caught a regurgitates April Fools blog entry a couple days late!

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