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Comment Re:HTTP/1.1 is just fine (Score 1) 161

> That's just retarded since any protocol analyzer will be able to represent the data in a consice way for anyone who cares to know
you are saying it. You need a protocol analyser. No more netcat or telnet, you will need stuff like tcpdump or wireshark or some special http2 tool to look into the data. The more complicated the tools for testing get, the harder debugging gets. So you actually can optimize less than before, because testing takes more time and efford.

Comment Re:HTTP/1.1 is just fine (Score 1) 161

we are talking about a few bytes, not even kilobytes.

With your argument you DO NOT want http/2 or spdy, because they push ressources you have not requested, like ads. You won't see them with your adblocker, but you still download them, because they are just sent.

Comment Re:HTTP/1.1 is just fine (Score 1) 161

1) Who cares, if its faster, if you shave off like 20 bytes? With your 28k modem this was real time, but even with umts you do not notice the difference. Even with hundereds of connections (which do not work very good via umts for other reasons). And every little logo on a homepage makes you pay more than the 20 bytes saved in the http header.

Comment HTTP/1.1 is just fine (Score 2) 161

Or at least something backward compatible, no stinking binary protocols.

Compression? Bandwidth is bigger and cheaper than ever. So why?
SPDY had in the first draft the nice feature, to require TLS, which was dropped, too. So not even this advantage stays there for spdy/http2

Comment Re:Well Then (Score 1) 148

always the same old "but i do not have something to hide / i am not interesting" argument. This is just an excuse for "i am too lazy to protect me". You do not need to be interesting to the NSA. Nobody would have something against agencies hunting terrorists. But the NSA collects everything. everything. THIS is the problem. And they collect your data, too.

Comment Re:Biometric authentication is flawed (Score 1) 80

And you have at most 10.
Now think of one sensor type. You need access to 12 things. 12 Things save the data of your fingerprint (fuzzy). Enough data to identify a fuzzy fingerprint from you. Now lets start calculating something similiar to a fingerprint, which matches the fuzzy data. Now print it in 3D and authenticate at one of the other things with it. So suddenly the thief of your mobile phone can be you at the ATM.

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