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Comment Read only the comments (Score 1) 299

On News sites with good comment systems, the comments add the real value.

- reddit: Comments are dull, because everyone wants to be funny
- Slashdot: Comments are often better than the article, some are just funny, others insightful and interesting.
- Heise: Best* comment system, good threaded discussions, which add value even to the often very good articles.

* look at the news forums. Some other Forums, like telepolisblogs, techreview, mac&i, ... are migrated to new forums, which are worse. If they really migrate all forums, their comments will decline, too.

Comment Bullshit (Score 1) 316

Think of all the wasted data, greenpeace will hate you!

Seriously. If its such a small percentage, which needs huge amount of data, they can provide it to them. There are a lot of people with unlimited data, who check their mail once a day. So the money is okay on average. Thats the whole idea of flatrates.

Comment Re:Uh, sure.. (Score 1) 359

I do not think so. My first programming steps were with VBA [VB in Office] (own editor) and Batch-Files (notepad), then i tried really short qbasic (own editor) and continued with borland pascal (own editor). I used Java (NetBeans, JBuilder), I programmed perl [for CGI] with notepad ...
When i really got started with linux, i used vim for many things, like perl, shellscripts, but python as well. I edit C++ and java in vim if its small or single file changes.
At the moment i program with C++ at work and configured eclipse, because i wanted more completion.

Some kind of correlation might be, that you use an IDE for complex languages and/or when there many functions you do not know by heart, and you can use pure texteditors for languages, which are intuitive.

I would never want to go back to an editor without highlighting, though. But vim is no basic editor, but an advanced one, you should only know, that an advanced editor is still no IDE.

Comment Re:99 nerds polite to females (Score 1) 1198

> They tend to just watch.
[citation needed]

This is just not true. On "Nerd conventions", there is more intervention than on most other events, because nerds do not like people being asshats. Sometimes they are even to strict to people, who do not contribute enough. They may look down on you, if you do not contribute to oss community, but make closed source programs. Now imagine someone being a real asshole, like molesting some woman at the convention, (s)he will have no friends there instantly. Nerd culture is a culture, which strongly enforces an positive attitude.

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