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Comment You have been misinformed (Score 0) 5

The US government has numerous known programs like ECHELON, where they are capable of listening to your calls, screening for keywords.

Nonsense, there is no such program. I assure you that we greatly value your privacy. We have taken note of your concerns and will be working closely with Brazilian authorities to address them and assist you in protecting your privacy. Thank you for voicing your concerns.

Comment The FBI should be notified first (Score -1, Troll) 340

Android applications provided by Droid09 are fraudulent. Please remove any applications by Droid09 from your mobile device and contact your mobile provider to evaluate whether any other applications or information stored on your mobile device have been compromised.

The FBI should be notified first and then in cooperation with your mobile provider we will work with you to resolve this issue, but do not remove any applications, they are considered evidence and may assist us in our investigation.

Comment Here's what happened (Score 1, Funny) 2

It isn't clear whether the typo itself caused the attempted bombing -- but it does add to the mystery. What is clear is that the software used by the U.S. government and its intelligence agencies is woefully underpowered. Dealing with transliterated non-English names is tricky at the best of times -- but to utilize a search system that doesn't allow for spelling mistakes? That's crazy -- utterly bat-shit crazy.

It is indeed the typo that caused the attempted bombing. Mr Abdulmutallab spotted his name on the no-fly list published in the December issue of the Nigerian United Terrorist Society (NUTS) newsletter and while he was initially flattered, he became furious when he realized that his name had been misspelled. It is then that he decided to fly to the United States and show President Obama the correct spelling of his name as it was written on the waistband of his underwear by his mother.

The packet of PETN powder that was found in Mr. Abdulmutallab's underwear had been sewn into his underwear by his mother, who believed she was sewing in a packet of silica gel to keep her son's underwear fresh during the long trip. We believe a member of NUTS found out about Mr. Abdulmutallab's plan and then sold his mother a packet of PETN powder and told her to make sure her son ate lots of beans before boarding to prevent airsickness. Luckily, Mr. Abdulmutallab is allergic to beans, so he boarded the plane on an empty stomach, which is why he soon became airsick and requested assistance, which is when the crew noticed the bulge in his underwear.

Submission + - Legality & need of encrypted cell phones 5

LlamaZorz writes: Dear Slashdot community, I have been wondering for quite some time as to why American citizens do not have access to cell phones with encrypted data and voice communication. We all know that the government has such technology and makes very good use of it, so why cant the populace? Is their a set regulation by the FCC or something which prohibits companies from marketing encrypted cell phones to the everyday person? I have searched and cannot find one.

I am aware that both GSM and CDMA all have their own encryption standard which is mainly used to stop everyday people from listening in. But such minor encryption in no way stops our government and its agencies or a criminal organisation. The US government has numerous known programs like ECHELON, where they are capable of listening to your calls, screening for keywords. What is even more scary a majority of our intelligence is outsourced to private enterprise. I find all of these things completely ridiculous. We as citizens should have our privacy and it shouldn't compromised no matter how bad the threat.

So I mainly wanted to ask Slashdot if it were legal & ethical to create such a phone which would use known secure public key encryption trying to completely secure all voice communication. I think such is both possible and practical. What do you guys think?

Comment Re:Am I missing something? (Score 0) 211

From the information provided, which is very little, it appears that the FBI is requesting information from people who have voluntarily joined an organization of IT professionals not just sponsored by but directly affiliated with the FBI. Why is this getting everyone's hackles up? It does not say that the information will be required of all members, nor does it say that members will be required to inform on their coworkers or companies. The ACM asks you about your IT skills, too. How is this different?

*shrug* Beats me, buddy.

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