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Comment use it or lose it (Score 4, Interesting) 153

First off, I believe software should have a different copyright length. (Windows XP's copyright expires sometime after 2100. How crazy is that?) I also believe a "use it or lose it clause" should be added to copyright law. If a publisher or copyright holder ceases to publish, market, support and profit from a product, then after X number of years, that game will fall into public domain. I believe this clause should apply to all copyrights and not just software.

Comment Promoting piracy (Score 1) 153

When the publishers and copyright holders cease to produce, market, support and profit from their games, yet there are still consumers demanding the game and those consumers will do whatever it takes to continue playing the games they love. Are the publishers and copyright holder then indirectly promoting the piracy of their own products? It's like giving a suicidal person a gun. The suicidal person makes the choice to kill himself or not, but the other person put him in that situation.

Comment Do you really know what you are supporting? (Score 1) 318

For those of you against the FCC’s recent actions for net neutrality, Do you really know what you are supporting? Without net neutrality: If you are running for office and the ISP’s executive board supports your opponent, the ISP could censor you by blocking all content about you. The ISP’s can block, throttle or create tolls for competing services such as Hulu, Netflix and Amazon Prime by charging them extra to use their network so that the ISP can be compensated for the losses due to customers cutting the cable. (which is already happening). An ISP’s executive board that is dominated by agnostics and atheists could block all religious content. Company A could influence an ISP to block the site of a competing company. Radical lefts blocking Tea Party and conservative sites or vice versa. The potential abuses can go on and on. Yes, these may seem extreme or unrealistic, but how often have you heard lobbyists claim “oh no! We would never do that. That is not the purpose of this controversial bill or act.” The later on after it is passed, they begin conducting those activities they claimed they would never do. How many times have you heard of that happening? DMCA is the perfect example of this.

Comment effect on Microsoft. (Score 4, Insightful) 192

I know numerous people, including me, who hold on to Windows because we are avid gamers of a wide variety of games which are not supported on Linux. If game support became a “killer feature” for Linux, then Microsoft would likely receive a significant reduction in users of their OS and Office suite.

Comment Re:Plausible Deniability (Score 1) 292

yes, I discriminated against him because the other candidate had more experience. I discriminated against you because the other guy wore a $1000 suit while you just had slacks, a button-down shirt and a tie. You can pretty much discriminate anything. Just about any choice you make is discriminatory. I discriminate against McDonald's because I think Jack in the Box's burgers are better. We discriminate based on, prices, quality of service, quality of product. It is impossible to not discriminate.

Comment "Absolute Best", a philosophy bound for disaster (Score 2) 292

The GM automobile assembly plant in Arlington, TX. Nearly closed down because they only looked for “the absolute best.” Suddenly their absolute best are all retiring and there are no “absolute best” to fill the positions. GM scrambled to the local high schools and trade schools. Offering full coverage of tuitions and above average pay for the new automotive technicians. The hiring of the “absolute best “ philosophy is a disaster waiting to happen.

Comment Taste of their own medicine (Score 2, Insightful) 550

I'd like to see multiple ISP block all content and websites associated with those politicians and their political party. Especially during an election to give them a dose of their own medicine. See this is what can potentially happen to you if net neutrality is prevented. Eventually become as censored as China.

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