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Comment The Remaining Risk (Score 1) 1148

It exists. Although the Power providing companies want us to believe it does not matter. It is there and now we can see it. And it is not only in Japan. With every nuclear power plant comes the risk of nuclear incidents. Politics ignored that for ages. Hope they wake up now. Fukushima is not the first and will not be the last. There is an incomplete list at wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_incident Next time it can happen at a plant near your hometown. Keep that in mind.
Classic Games (Games)

Hank Chien Reclaims Donkey Kong High Score 122

An anonymous reader writes "If you can say anything about Hank Chien, it's that he evidently doesn't take defeat very well. Sure, he knew not so deep down that his Donkey Kong World Record score wouldn't last forever, but he couldn't have foreseen that it would have been toppled so quickly. Twice, even. But he also knew that more Kong competition would be coming his way; namely Richie Knucklez Kong-Off in March. So Hank had something to prove, and prove he did. Scoring a massive 1,068,000 points in less than three hours, Hank has officially reclaimed the high score in Nintendo’s 1981 arcade classic."

German Kindergartens Ordered To Pay Copyright For Songs Screenshot-sm 291

BBird writes "Deutsche Welle reports: 'Up until this year, preschools could teach and produce any kind of song they wanted. But now they have to pay for a license if they want children to sing certain songs. A tightening of copyright rules means kindergartens now have to pay fees to Germany's music licensing agency, GEMA, to use songs that they reproduce and perform. The organization has begun notifying creches and other daycare facilities that if they reproduce music to be sung or performed, they must pay for a license.'"

RIP, SunSolve 100

Kymermosst writes "Today marks the last day that SunSolve will be available. Oracle sent the final pre-deployment details today for the retirement of SunSolve and the transition to its replacement, My Oracle Support Release 5.2, which begins tomorrow. People who work with Sun's hardware and software have long used SunSolve as a central location for specifications, patches, and documentation."

MasterCard Hit By WikiLeaks Payback Attacks 715

An anonymous reader writes "MasterCard's website has been hit by a distributed denial of service attack. Netcraft describes how the attack uses a voluntary botnet of LOIC (low orbit ion cannon) users to swamp sites with traffic. PostFinance, the PayPal blog and Swedish prosecutors have been targeted previously."
Operating Systems

Comparing Windows and Ubuntu On Netbooks 317

Barence writes "With the arrival last month of Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook Edition, PC Pro has revisited a familiar question: which operating system is best for a netbook?. The magazine has run a series of benchmarks on a Asus Eee PC 1008HA running Windows XP Home, two versions of Windows 7 (with and without Aero switched on) and Ubuntu Netbook Edition. The operating systems are tested for start-up performance, Flash handling and video, among other tests. The results are closer than you might think."

Submission + - When does fair use turn into plagiarism?

An anonymous reader writes: Earlier this week, PaidContent reported that Briefing.com admitted to violating copyright laws by simply posting content from Dow Jones. While piracy and plagiarism are common these days, what is more unusual is the way that Dow Jones chose to use the more obscure "hot news doctrine", a rule developed after some newspapers were caught rewriting wire stories without doing any of their own research. Some aggregation sites are wondering how this applies to them. While sites like Slashdot are largely filled with original content from submitters, many of the postings at blogs like BoingBoing.com consist of a few sentences of introduction and large quotes. This story was largely written by Paul Lewis at the Guardian and judging from the time stamps,BoingBoing turned it out in four minutes. At what point does fair use turn into lazy plagiarism? Can bloggers develop rules for knowing when they're just being leeches?

Submission + - Dirty Coal And Clean Coals Future (theatlantic.com)

vbiz7 writes: Dirty Coal, Clean Future To environmentalists, “clean coal” is an insulting oxymoron? Feature story from "The Atlantic" The good news is that new technologies are making this possible.

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